[comp.emacs] generalized tags..

drm@cbnews.ATT.COM (Dattaram T. Miruke) (04/04/89)

	Has someone written generalized tags functions? etags provides
for ability to create tags for C, Scheme, Lisp etc. language codes.
However if I want to use the same tag mechanism with some obscure
language or ordinary text I want to be able to define the tags
as say, when I scan/view a file/buffer by specifying a pattern. Has
someone already done anything like it? 

Thanks for any ptrs/ or tags rather :-)

Datta Miruke

cdr%suneast.East@SUN.COM (Constantine Rasmussen) (04/05/89)

You want the ID package not tags.  Tags only tags function definitions
which dont exist in some languages.  ID will cover everthing well.

  Constantine Rasmussen           Sun Microsystems, East Coast Div.   F658
     (508) 671-0404               2 Federal Street; Billerica, Mass. 01824
   ARPA: cdr@sun.com         USENET: {cbosgd,decvax,hplabs,seismo}!sun!cdr

pierson@mist (Dan Pierson) (04/05/89)

In article <8904041843.AA00370@car.sunecd.com>, cdr%suneast (Constantine Rasmussen) writes:
>You want the ID package not tags.  Tags only tags function definitions
>which dont exist in some languages.  ID will cover everthing well.

I agree that ID is great for C files, but decided that it was too much
work to fix it for Lisp files.  The problem is that ID's knowledge of
regular expression syntax goes down to a very low level and Lisp
symbols can and do contain regular expression characters (for example,

Has else attacked this problem?

In real life: Dan Pierson, Encore Computer Corporation, Research
UUCP: {talcott,linus,necis,decvax}!encore!pierson
Internet: pierson@encore.com

jorge@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (Jorge Gautier) (04/06/89)

Where can I obtain the ID package?

liberte@m.cs.uiuc.edu (04/08/89)

Here is tagify.el, a generalized tags file maker.

;; tagify.el  - make TAGS files.
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Daniel LaLiberte

;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; To build a TAGS file for a set of files, first make sure there is a
;; make-tag function associated with the major mode for each file.
;; These are stored in tagify-mode-alist. Then call tagify-files.  You
;; will be asked for a list of file names and the TAGS file.  The TAGS
;; file is saved for you after it is created.  If a major-mode does
;; not have a make-tag function, you will be asked to name one that
;; will be used for the remainder of the files.

;; To update the TAGS file, use retagify-files.  You are asked to
;; specify the TAGS file.  retagify-files will then regenerate
;; tags for just those files in the TAGS file that are newer than the TAGS
;; file.

;; Daniel LaLiberte
;; uiucdcs!liberte
;; liberte@cs.uiuc.edu
;; liberte%a.cs.uiuc.edu@uiucvmd.bitnet

;; Need:
;; add-file-tags filenames
;; delete-file-tags filenames

(provide 'tagify)

(defconst tagify-mode-alist '
  ((texinfo-mode . make-texinfo-tag)
   (c-mode . make-c-tag)
   (emacs-lisp-mode . make-elisp-tag)
  "Association list between major modes and tag matching functions.
The function should find the next tag and return it, or return nil if
there are no more tags for the current buffer.  The tag is only used
to sort the entries for each file.  The function should leave point
after the tag.")

;; -----------------------------------------------
;; Example make-tag functions

(defun make-texinfo-tag ()
  "Function to make next texinfo tag."
  (if (re-search-forward
       "^@def\\(un\\|var\\|opt\\|const\\|cmd\\|spec\\) \\([^ \n]+\\) ?\\|^@node \\([^,]+\\)" nil t)
      (if (match-beginning 2)
	  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
			    (match-end 2))
	;; @node found
	(buffer-substring (match-beginning 3)
			  (match-end 3)))

(defun make-info-tag ()
  "Function to make next tag for an info file."
  (if (re-search-forward
       "^\\* \\(Function\\|Command\\|Macro\\|Special form\\|Variable\\|Option\\|Constant\\): \\([^ \n]+\\) ?" nil t)
      (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
			(match-end 2))

(defun make-elisp-tag ()
  "Function to make the next tag for an elisp file."
  (if (re-search-forward
       "^ ?(def\\(un\\|var\\|const\\) \\([^ \n]+\\) ?" nil t)
      (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
			(match-end 2))
(defun make-c-tag-not-done ()
  "Function to make next c tag."
  ;; #defines are the easy part
  ;; I dont know how to match function declarations
  (if (re-search-forward
       "^[ \t]*#define[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_]+\\)")
      (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
			(match-end 1))))


(defun find-tags-table (file)
    "Tell tags commands to use tag table file FILE.
FILE should be the name of a file created with the `etags' program,
or tagify-files, or it may be a new file.
A directory name is ok too; it means file TAGS in that directory."
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "Find tags table: (default TAGS) "
				     (concat default-directory "TAGS")
  (setq file (expand-file-name file))
  (if (file-directory-p file)
      (setq file (concat file "TAGS")))
  (setq tag-table-files nil
	tags-file-name file))

(defconst find-tags-table-hook 'find-tags-table
  "Function to call to find the TAGS file.")

(defun tagify-files (filenames)
  "Make a tags file from files listed in FILENAMES.  
The existing tags file, if any, is replaced.
FILENAMES are files to search for tags.  The FILENAMES argument may
actually specify several files, with shell wildcards, e.g. \"*.c *.h\".
Paths may be either absolute or relative to the current directory.
How to make tags is determined from tagify-mode-alist and the major mode
of each file."

  (interactive "sMake TAGS for files: ")
  (let (TAGS-buffer
	(file-list (files-matching filenames))
	(local-tagify-alist tagify-mode-alist)  ; may be added to

      ;; find and erase the TAGS file
      (call-interactively find-tags-table-hook)
      (set-buffer (or (get-file-buffer tags-file-name)
			(setq tag-table-files nil)
			(find-file-noselect tags-file-name))))
      (setq TAGS-buffer (current-buffer))
      (erase-buffer)  ;; to add new files, just dont erase

      ;; tagify each file
      (while file-list
	(setq file (car file-list))
	(setq file-list (cdr file-list))

	   (find-file-noselect file))
	  (message "Tagify: %s" file)
	  (if (setq tagifier (cdr (assq major-mode local-tagify-alist)))
	    (if (setq tagifier (tagify-read-tagifier))
		(setq local-tagify-alist
		      (cons (cons major-mode tagifier) local-tagify-alist))
	      (error "Abort tagifying.")
	  (setq tag-entries (tagify-current-buffer tagifier)))

	(finish-tagging-file file tag-entries TAGS-buffer)

      ;; finish off by writing the TAGS file
      (message "Saving %s" tags-file-name)
	(set-buffer TAGS-buffer)
	(write-file tags-file-name))

(defun retagify-files ()
  "Update the TAGS file replacing entries only for files that
have changed since the TAGS file was saved."
;; try combining this with tagify-files
  (let (TAGS-buffer
	startpt size
	(local-tagify-alist tagify-mode-alist)  ; may be added to

      ;; find the TAGS file
      (call-interactively find-tags-table-hook)
      (setq TAGS-buffer (current-buffer))
      (goto-char (point-min))

      ;; check each file
      (while (not (eobp))
	;; get the next file name
	(forward-line 1)
	(skip-chars-backward "^,\n")
	(save-excursion (setq size (read (current-buffer))))
	(setq file (buffer-substring (1- (point))
				     (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))))
	(setq startpt (- (point) 2))  ; before leading \^L
	(forward-line 1)
	(forward-char size) ; at end of tags for file

	(if (file-newer-than-file-p file tags-file-name)
	      ;; strip out old entries for this file
	      (delete-region startpt (point))

		 (find-file-noselect file))
		(message "Retagify: %s" file)
		(if (setq tagifier (cdr (assq major-mode local-tagify-alist)))
		  (if (setq tagifier (tagify-read-tagifier))
		      (setq local-tagify-alist
			    (cons (cons major-mode tagifier)
		    (error "Abort tagifying.")
		(setq tag-entries (tagify-current-buffer tagifier)))
	      (finish-tagging-file file tag-entries TAGS-buffer)

      ;; finish off by writing the TAGS file
      (message "Saving %s" tags-file-name)
	(set-buffer TAGS-buffer)
	(write-file tags-file-name))

(defun tagify-read-tagifier ()
  "Read a tagifier function for the current mode."
  (let ((name
	 (completing-read (format "Specify tagifier for %s (RET to exit): "
			  obarray 'fboundp 'match)))
    (if (> (length name) 0)
	(intern name)

(defun tagify-current-buffer (make-tag)
  "Return the list of tag entries for the current buffer.
Tags are found with the MAKE-TAG function.
See tagify-mode-alist."
  (let ((tag-entries nil)
	(last-line 1)
	(last-char 1)
	tag text line char)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      ;; find all tags in the file
      (while (setq tag (funcall make-tag))
	  (setq text
	  (setq line (+ last-line
			(count-lines last-char (point))))
	  (setq char (point))
	  (setq last-line line)
	  (setq last-char char)
	  (setq tag-entries
		(cons (list tag text line char) tag-entries))

;; Format of a TAGS file

;; A TAGS file consists of a sequence of file sections.
;; Each file section begins with \014 (^L).
;; The file name may be relative to the directory that the
;; TAGS file is in.  The file name is followed by ",n", where
;; n is the length, in chars, of the tag entry lines for this file.

;; \014
;; filename,n
;; <n chars of entries>
;; <including newlines>
;; \014
;; nextfile ...

;; Each entry is the text at the start of the tagged line,
;; including the text of the tag itself.
;; Following that is "\177n,m", where n is the line number
;; of the tagged line and m is the character number of the
;; newline before the tagged line.  Exact numbers do not matter
;; since find-tag looks in the neighborhood.

;; examples:
;; text of line before tag\17713,400
;; text of another line before tag\1775,30

;; The entries are sorted by the tags of all entries for each file.

(defun finish-tagging-file (filename tag-entries TAGS-buffer)
  "Finish tagging FILENAME by inserting all TAG-ENTRIES to the TAGS-BUFFER.
Insertion is at point and may be in middle of buffer."
  ;; could make it more general by just returning a string that may be
  ;; inserted anywhere
  (setq tag-entries
	(sort tag-entries
	      (function (lambda (e1 e2)
			  (string< (car e1) (car e2))))))
  (let (startp endp entry length)
    (set-buffer TAGS-buffer)
    (insert ?\^L ?\n filename ?\n)
    (setq startpt (point))
    ;; insert the tag entries
    (while tag-entries
      (setq entry (car tag-entries))
      (insert (nth 1 entry) ?\177
	      (format "%d,%d\n"
		      (nth 2 entry)
		      (nth 3 entry)))
      (setq tag-entries (cdr tag-entries)))
    (setq endpt (point))
    (goto-char (1- startpt))		; end of filename line
    (setq length (format ",%d" (- endpt startpt)))
    (insert length)
    (goto-char (+ endpt (length length)))

;; Handy utility section

(defun files-matching (&rest filenames)
  "Return a list of files matching FILENAMES.
FILENAMES may include shell wildcards.
ls is used."
  (interactive "sFilenames: ")
  (let (filename
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Directory*"
	(buffer-flush-undo standard-output)
	(funcall 'call-process (getenv "SHELL")
		 nil standard-output nil "-c"
		 (concat "ls " (mapconcat 'identity filenames " ")))

	(set-buffer "*Directory*")
	(goto-char (point-min))
	(while (not (eobp))
	  (setq file-list (cons
			   (buffer-substring (point)
					     (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
	  (if (not (eobp))
	      (forward-char 1))))
      (kill-buffer "*Directory*"))
    (nreverse file-list)))

liberte@m.cs.uiuc.edu (04/08/89)

Here is local-tags.el, which is two replacement functions for tags.el.
This allows you to provide mode-specific tags finding.

;; local-tags.el  - buffer-local tag finding
;; Copyright (C) 1989 Daniel LaLiberte

;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; Buffer-local tag finding

;; Two hooks are provided.
;; These variables should be made buffer-local and assigned
;; functions appropriate to the buffer's major mode.

;; find-tag-default-hook is called to find a default tag for find-tag.

;; find-tag-hook is called by find-tag after a tag is found.
;; If find-tag-hook is nil for a buffer, then
;; the find-tag-hook for the current-buffer when find-tag was called
;; is used.  (This is to support a find-tag-hook for Info-mode
;; since the default major-mode for info files is not Info-mode.)

;; Dan LaLiberte
;; uiucdcs!liberte
;; liberte@cs.uiuc.edu
;; liberte%a.cs.uiuc.edu@uiucvmd.bitnet

(require 'tags)

(defvar find-tag-default-hook nil
  "Function to call to create a default tag.
Make it buffer-local in a mode hook.
The function is called with no args.")

(defvar find-tag-hook nil
  "Function to call after a hook is found.
Make it buffer-local in a mode hook.
The function is called with no args.")

(defun find-tag-tag (string)
  "Modified to use find-tag-default-hook"
  (let* ((default (or (and find-tag-default-hook
			   (funcall find-tag-default-hook))
	 (spec (read-string
		(if default
		    (format "%s(default %s) " string default)
    (list (if (equal spec "")

(defun find-tag (tagname &optional next other-window)
  "Find tag (in current tag table) whose name contains TAGNAME.
 Selects the buffer that the tag is contained in
and puts point at its definition.
 If TAGNAME is a null string, the expression in the buffer
around or before point is used as the tag name.
 If second arg NEXT is non-nil (interactively, with prefix arg),
searches for the next tag in the tag table
that matches the tagname used in the previous find-tag.

See documentation of variable tags-file-name.

Modified to use find-tag-hook."
  (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
		   '(nil t)
		 (find-tag-tag "Find tag: ")))
  (let ((local-find-tag-hook find-tag-hook)  ; get find-tag-hook now
	buffer file linebeg startpos)
     (if (not next)
	 (goto-char (point-min))
       (setq tagname last-tag))
     (setq last-tag tagname)
     (while (progn
	      (if (not (search-forward tagname nil t))
		  (error "No %sentries containing %s"
			 (if next "more " "") tagname))
	      (not (looking-at "[^\n\177]*\177"))))
     (search-forward "\177")
     (setq file (expand-file-name (file-of-tag)
				  (file-name-directory tags-file-name)))
     (setq linebeg
	   (buffer-substring (1- (point))
			     (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))))
     (search-forward ",")
     (setq startpos (read (current-buffer))))
    (if other-window
	(find-file-other-window file)
      (find-file file))
    (let ((offset 1000)
	  (pat (concat "^" (regexp-quote linebeg))))
      (or startpos (setq startpos (point-min)))
      (while (and (not found)
		   (goto-char (- startpos offset))
		   (not (bobp))))
	(setq found
	      (re-search-forward pat (+ startpos offset) t))
	(setq offset (* 3 offset)))
      (or found
	  (re-search-forward pat nil t)
	  (error "%s not found in %s" pat file)))
    (if find-tag-hook
	(funcall find-tag-hook)
      (if local-find-tag-hook
	 (funcall local-find-tag-hook))))
  (setq tags-loop-form '(find-tag nil t))
  ;; Return t in case used as the tags-loop-form.

;; Example buffer-local tag finding

(defun elisp-default-tag ()
  "Function to return a default tag for elisp-mode."
   (or (variable-at-point)

;; Add these to your emacs-lisp-mode-hook
;; (make-local-variable 'find-tag-default-hook)
;; (setq find-tag-default-hook 'elisp-default-hook)

(defun Info-find-tag-hook ()
  "Function to call after finding a tag in Info-mode."
  (let ((onode Info-current-node)
	(ofile Info-current-file)
	(opoint (point)))
    (if (not (string= "*info*" (buffer-name)))
	(progn				; replace current *info* file
	  (kill-buffer "*info*")
	  (rename-buffer "*info*")))
    (or (eq major-mode 'Info-mode)
    (setq Info-current-file
	  (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name))
    (or (and (equal onode Info-current-node)
	     (equal ofile Info-current-file))
	(setq Info-history (cons (list ofile onode opoint)

;; Info-mode does not have a hook, so patch in the necessary calls.

(require 'info)

;; Only do this once
(fset 'Info-mode
      (append (symbol-function 'Info-mode)
	      (list '(make-local-variable 'find-tag-hook)
		    '(setq find-tag-hook 'Info-find-tag-hook)
		    '(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "."))))