[comp.emacs] Anyone have page up/ page down that works like I expect?

spolsky-joel@CS.Yale.EDU (Joel Spolsky) (04/21/89)

There are two minor things that irk me about scroll-up and scroll-down.

First, sometimes I need to page back a couple of pages to look at
something. I expect that if I hit scroll-down twice and then scroll-up
twice I will end up on the line I started from. Unfortunately, this
doesn't happen.

Secondly, and I realize this may contradict #1, I think that multiple
scroll-down's should ultimately move the point to the top of the buffer.

In other words I am looking for functions that are cursor movement
functions, not scrolling functions, and that work like PgUp and PgDn
on typical PC word processors, which I am used to.

Before I start elisphacking, has this been done yet? Can anybody post
some appropriate code?


|  Joel Spolsky  | bitnet: spolsky@yalecs.bitnet     uucp: ...!yale!spolsky |
|                | internet: spolsky@cs.yale.edu     voicenet: 203-436-1483 |
                                                      #include <disclaimer.h>

dsill@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL (04/21/89)

That's not the most recent version of Joe Wells' package.  The version
I have is dated April 16.


sbb@esquire.UUCP (Stephen B. Baumgarten) (04/22/89)

In article <57861@yale-celray.yale.UUCP> spolsky-joel@CS.Yale.EDU (Joel Spolsky) writes:
>There are two minor things that irk me about scroll-up and scroll-down.
>First, sometimes I need to page back a couple of pages to look at
>something. I expect that if I hit scroll-down twice and then scroll-up
>twice I will end up on the line I started from. Unfortunately, this
>doesn't happen.

Something called "scroll.el" was posted a while ago by Joe Wells
(jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu), and I think it should solve at least
your first problem.

It's so small I'm just going to include it here.

   Steve Baumgarten             | "New York... when civilization falls apart,
   Davis Polk & Wardwell        |  remember, we were way ahead of you."
   cmcl2!esquire!sbb            | 
   esquire!sbb@cmcl2.nyu.edu    |                           - David Letterman

--8<-- Remove everything up to and including this line.  Save the rest. --8<--
Article 4803 of comp.emacs:
Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3  Pyramid OSx-3.0 85/11/15; site esquire.UUCP
Path: esquire!cmcl2!nrl-cmf!ukma!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!mailrus!rutgers!mit-eddie!husc6!bu-cs!bucsb!jbw
From: jbw@bucsb.UUCP (Joe Wells)
Newsgroups: comp.emacs
Subject: GNU Emacs improved scroll commands
Message-ID: <2252@bucsb.UUCP>
Date: 3 Dec 88 06:03:47 GMT
Date-Received: 3 Dec 88 16:05:14 GMT
Reply-To: jbw@bucsf.bu.edu (Joe Wells)
Followup-To: gnu.emacs
Organization: Boston Univ Comp. Sci.
Lines: 192
Summary: inews garbage

Here are improved scrolling commands for GNU Emacs.  The functions
here can effectively replace scroll-up and scroll-down.

They provide a superior scrolling capability, because all scrolling
actions are now completely reversible.  By reversible, I mean that by
using only prefix arguments and the scrolling commands, you can return
the screen and the point to the *exact* original configuration it was
in before you started scrolling.

These scrolling commands keep point on the same line of the screen,
and on (or near) the same column.

If a scrolling action is given a numeric argument, it will use that as
the distance to scroll.  Immediately subsequent scrolling actions
without arguments will use the same distance.

When near the beginning or end of a buffer, these commands will
remember that the last scrolling action they did was not a complete
scroll, and will reverse it properly.

The replacement for scroll-up will avoid leaving blank-space past the
end of the buffer on the screen, except when necessary to make a
previous scrolling action reversible.

So, put these in a file, bind to keys of your choice, and enjoy!

Joe Wells
INTERNET: jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu
UUCP: ...!harvard!bu-cs!bucsf!jbw

-------------------------------cut here---------------------------------
;; Improved window scrolling commands.
;; Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This file is not officially part of GNU Emacs, but is being donated
;; to the Free Software Foundation.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; Author: Joe Wells
;; jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu (school year)
;; joew%uswest@boulder.colorado.edu (summer)

;; The ideas for this package were derived from the C code in
;; src/window.c and elsewhere.  The names of the functions conflict
;; with names in lisp/term/sun.el.  If someone can think of better
;; names, send me a suggestion.  The functions in this file should
;; always be byte-compiled for speed.  The functions really don't know
;; what to do with an argument of '-, which results from C-u - or ESC
;; -.  I could use some suggestions on that also.

(require 'backquote)

(defmacro abs (n)
  (`(let ((m (, n)))
      (if (< m 0) (- m) m))))

(defmacro same-sign (x y)
  (`(let ((z (, y)))
     (if (< (, x) 0)
	 (< z 0) (>= z 0)))))

(defvar sip:goal-column 0
  "Current goal column for scrolling motion.  It is the column where
point was at the start of current run of scrolling commands.")

(defvar sip:default-motion nil
  "Default argument to scroll-up-in-place or scroll-down-in-place,
when repeated with no intervening command and no argument.  This is
the last argument used.")

(defvar sip:eob-motion nil
  "Amount of motion to be used by scroll-up-in-place or
scroll-down-in-place when repeated after hitting the end/beginning of
the buffer with no intervening command and no argument.  This is the
amount of vertical motion that was actually done on the last scroll
operation (which was less than requested, because of buffer

(defvar sip:eob-blank-limit nil
  "This is the minimum amount of text that is required on the last
screen.  scroll-up-in-place will refuse to scroll any more than this.
Normally this is one less than the number of text line in the window.
However, if a sequence of scrolling commands starts with less text on
the last screen, this is remembered here.")

(defun scroll-down-in-place (n)
  "Scroll text of current window downward ARG lines; or near full screen if
no ARG.  When calling from a program, supply a number as argument or nil.
Leaves point in same row and column of window."
  (interactive "P")
  (scroll-in-place-command n -1)

(defun scroll-up-in-place (n)
  "Scroll text of current window upward ARG lines; or near full screen if
no ARG.  When calling from a program, supply a number as argument or nil.
Leaves point in same row and column of window."
  (interactive "P")
  (scroll-in-place-command n 1)

(defun scroll-in-place-command (arg direction)
  "Scroll text of current window ARG lines in DIRECTION direction.  If ARG
is null, scrolls almost entire window.  If ARG is '-, scrolls window in
- DIRECTION direction.  DIRECTION is either 1 or -1.  Leaves point in same
row and column of window."
  ;;  (message "%s %s %s %s %s %s"
  ;;	   last-command this-command arg sip:default-motion
  ;;	   sip:eob-motion sip:eob-blank-limit)
  (let* ((window (selected-window))
	 (height (- (window-height window)
		    (if (eq window (minibuffer-window)) 0 1)))
	 (lines (- height next-screen-context-lines))
	 (n (prefix-numeric-value arg))
	  (not (memq last-command '(scroll-down-in-place scroll-up-in-place))))
    ;; Barf on zero argument
    (and (numberp arg) (zerop arg) (while t (signal 'args-out-of-range arg)))
    ;; Figure out how much vertical motion to use.  An explicit argument
    ;; is always given precedence.  If a immediately prior scroll ran
    ;; into a buffer boundary, and didn't go full distance, and this is
    ;; a scroll in the opposite direction, go back the amount last
    ;; traveled.  (Man is that a confusing sentence!)  Otherwise, if
    ;; following a prior scroll use the last explicit argument.
    (cond ((or (numberp arg) (consp arg))
	   (setq sip:default-motion n)
	   (setq sip:eob-motion nil)
	   (setq lines n))
	  ((eq arg '-)			;needs more work
	   (setq lines (- lines)))
	   (setq sip:default-motion lines)
	   (setq sip:eob-motion nil))
	  ((and sip:eob-motion
		(not (same-sign direction sip:eob-motion)))
	   (setq lines (abs sip:eob-motion))
	   (setq sip:eob-motion nil))
	  (t				;in sequence w/o arg ...
	   (setq lines sip:default-motion)))
    (cond (first-scroll
	   (setq sip:goal-column (or (and track-eol (eolp) 9999)
	   (setq sip:eob-blank-limit
		   (goto-char (window-start window))
		   (vertical-motion (1- height))))))
    (setq lines (* direction lines))
    ;; if point not in window, center window around point
      (cond ((not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point) window))
	     (vertical-motion (/ (- height) 2))
	     (set-window-start window (point)))))
    (catch 'foo
	(goto-char (window-start window))
	(cond ((< lines 0)		; upward -- scrolling down
	       (cond ((bobp)
		      (message (get 'beginning-of-buffer 'error-message))
		      (throw 'foo nil)))
	       (setq moved (vertical-motion lines)))
	      ((> lines 0)		; downward -- scrolling up
	       (setq moved (+ (vertical-motion (+ lines sip:eob-blank-limit))
			      (vertical-motion (- sip:eob-blank-limit))))
	       (cond ((< moved 1)
		      (message (get 'end-of-buffer 'error-message))
		      (throw 'foo nil))))
	      (t (error "Impossible zero value")))
	(set-window-start window (point)))
      (if (< (abs moved) (abs lines))
	  (setq sip:eob-motion moved))
      (vertical-motion moved)))		;keep point on same window line
  (move-to-column sip:goal-column))

(provide 'scroll-in-place)

jbw@BUCSF.BU.EDU (Joe Wells) (04/22/89)

   First, sometimes I need to page back a couple of pages to look at
   something. I expect that if I hit scroll-down twice and then scroll-up
   twice I will end up on the line I started from. Unfortunately, this
   doesn't happen.

I agree.

   Secondly, and I realize this may contradict #1, I think that multiple
   scroll-down's should ultimately move the point to the top of the buffer.


   Before I start elisphacking, has this been done yet? Can anybody post
   some appropriate code?

I'm including it.

Joe Wells <jbw@bucsf.bu.edu>
;; Improved window scrolling commands.
;; Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; This file is not officially part of GNU Emacs, but is being donated
;; to the Free Software Foundation.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; Author: Joe Wells
;; Last changed: Fri Apr 21 20:44:46 1989 by jbw (Joseph Wells) on bucsf
;; jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu (school year)
;; joew%uswest@boulder.colorado.edu (summer)

;; The ideas for this package were derived from the C code in
;; src/window.c and elsewhere.  The functions in this file should
;; always be byte-compiled for speed.  The functions really don't know
;; what to do with an argument of '-, which results from C-u - or ESC
;; -.  I could use some suggestions on that also.  Someone should
;; rewrite this in C (as part of src/window.c) for speed.

;; This package redefines scroll-up and scroll-down.  The new
;; functions are also available on scroll-up-in-place and
;; scroll-down-in-place.  These names however conflict with names in
;; term/sun.el, which has caused problems for people on Suns.

;; This doesn't work properly when the buffer is all one long line.

(require 'backquote)

(defmacro abs (n)
  (`(let ((m (, n)))
      (if (< m 0) (- m) m))))

;; both negative or both non-negative
(defmacro same-sign (x y)
  (`(let ((z (, y)))
     (if (< (, x) 0)
	 (< z 0) (>= z 0)))))

(defvar scroll-in-place t
  "*Whether to use the default scrolling or the new enhanced scrolling
when either scroll-down-in-place or scroll-up-in-place is called.")

(defvar scroll-in-place-replace-original nil
  "*Whether scroll-up or scroll-down should also use the new enhanced
scrolling capability.  This only applies if scroll-in-place is
non-nil, otherwise only the original built-in scrolling is used.")

(defvar sip:goal-column 0
Current goal column for scrolling motion.  It is
the column where point was at the start of current run of scrolling

(defvar sip:default-motion nil
Default argument to scroll-up-in-place or scroll-down-in-place, when
repeated with no intervening command and no argument.  This is the
last argument used.")

(defvar sip:eob-motion nil
Amount of motion to be used by scroll-up-in-place or
scroll-down-in-place when repeated after hitting the end/beginning of
the buffer with no intervening command and no argument.  This is the
amount of vertical motion that was actually done on the last scroll
operation (which was less than requested, because of buffer

(defvar sip:eob-blank-limit nil
This is the minimum amount of text that is required on the last
screen.  scroll-up-in-place will refuse to scroll any more than this.
Normally this is one less than the number of text lines in the window.
However, if a sequence of scrolling commands starts with less text on
the last screen, this is remembered here.")

(defvar sip:eob-last-point nil
Following a scroll operation that attempted to scroll past the
beginning or end of the buffer, point is moved to the beginning of end
of buffer.  This is the location of point before the move.")

(defconst sip:command-list
  '(scroll-down-in-place scroll-up-in-place)
Names of commands that use the enhanced scrolling.  Used to detect
whether the previous command was a scrolling operation.")

(defun scroll-in-place (arg)
  "Toggle the scroll-in-place enhanced scrolling feature.  With
argument, turn feature on if arg is positive.  The enhanced scrolling
of the scroll-in-place feature makes all scrolling actions reversible.
No more pounding on the arrow keys trying to get back to your place in
the buffer.  Try it, you'll like it."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq scroll-in-place
	(if (null arg)
	    (not scroll-in-place)
	  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))))

(defun scroll-down-in-place (&optional n)
  "Scroll text of current window downward ARG lines; or near full screen if
no ARG.  When calling from a program, supply a number as argument or nil.
Leaves point in same row and column of window."
  (interactive "P")
  (if (and scroll-in-place
	   (or scroll-in-place-replace-original
	       (eq this-command 'scroll-down-in-place)))
      (scroll-in-place-command n -1)
    (original-scroll-down n))

(or (fboundp 'original-scroll-down)
    (fset 'original-scroll-down (symbol-function 'scroll-down)))
(fset 'scroll-down (symbol-function 'scroll-down-in-place))

(defun scroll-up-in-place (&optional n)
  "Scroll text of current window upward ARG lines ; or near full screen if
no ARG.  When calling from a program, supply a number as argument or nil.
Leaves point in same row and column of window."
  (interactive "P")
  (if (and scroll-in-place
	   (or scroll-in-place-replace-original
	       (eq this-command 'scroll-up-in-place)))
      (scroll-in-place-command n 1)
    (original-scroll-up n))

(or (fboundp 'original-scroll-up)
    (fset 'original-scroll-up (symbol-function 'scroll-up)))
(fset 'scroll-up (symbol-function 'scroll-up-in-place))

(defun scroll-in-place-command (arg direction)
  "Scroll text of current window ARG lines in DIRECTION direction.  If
ARG is null, figures out how much to scroll based on previous
scrolling, or scrolls window-height minus next-screen-context-lines.
If ARG is '- (the symbol), scrolls window in - DIRECTION direction.
DIRECTION is either 1 or -1.  Leaves point in same row and column of
  ;;(message "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s"
  ;;arg last-command this-command sip:default-motion
  ;;sip:eob-blank-limit sip:eob-motion sip:eob-last-point)
  (let* ((window (selected-window))
	 (height (- (window-height window)
		    (if (eq window (minibuffer-window)) 0 1)))
	 ;; lines is going to be the number of lines that we finally
	 ;; decide to move, with negative meaning towards the
	 ;; beginning of the buffer.
	 (lines (- height next-screen-context-lines))
	 (default-lines (if (< lines 0) 1 lines))
	 (n (prefix-numeric-value arg))
	 (first-scroll (not (memq last-command sip:command-list)))
    ;; Barf on zero ARG argument
    (and (eq arg 0)
	 (while t (signal 'args-out-of-range (list 'arg arg))))
    ;; Barf on DIRECTION not 1 or -1
    (or (= direction 1) (= direction -1)
	(while t (signal 'args-out-of-range (list 'direction direction))))
    ;; If we get an argument of - (the symbol named "-"), we treat it
    ;; as though we received an argument of nil and the opposite direction.
    (if (eq arg '-)
	(setq direction (- direction)
	      arg nil
	      n (prefix-numeric-value nil)))
    ;; Figure out how much vertical motion to use.  An explicit
    ;; argument is always given precedence.  If no explicit argument
    ;; is given, we decide based on several factors.  First, if this
    ;; scrolling command does not follow another, ie. it is the first,
    ;; then we use the default, calculated to leave
    ;; next-screen-context-lines of context on the screen.  Second, we
    ;; check if this should reverse a scrolling command that moved
    ;; point to the end/beginning of the buffer.  Third, if an
    ;; immediately preceding scroll command couldn't scroll full
    ;; distance because it ran into a buffer boundary, and this is a
    ;; scroll in the opposite direction, go back the amount that last
    ;; command traveled.  Fourth, if following a prior scroll use the
    ;; last explicit argument.
    (cond ((or (numberp arg) (consp arg))
	   (setq lines n
		 sip:default-motion n
		 sip:eob-motion nil
		 sip:eob-last-point nil))
	   (setq lines default-lines
		 sip:default-motion default-lines
		 sip:eob-motion nil
		 sip:eob-last-point nil))
	   (or (bobp) (eobp)
	       (error "bad value: sip:eob-last-point: %s" sip:eob-last-point))
	   (and (eq sip:eob-last-point (point))
		(error "bad value: sip:eob-last-point: %s" sip:eob-last-point))
	   ;; In this case, we're doing the actual motion right here.
	   (setq lines 0)
	   ;; Only do something if scrolling away from buffer boundary.
	   (and (same-sign direction (- sip:eob-last-point (point)))
		(goto-char sip:eob-last-point)
		(setq sip:eob-last-point nil)))	;only once
	  ((and sip:eob-motion
		(same-sign direction sip:eob-motion))
	   (setq lines (abs sip:eob-motion)
		 sip:eob-motion nil
		 sip:eob-last-point nil)) ;this must be done second
	   ;; second or later in a sequence without an explicit arg
	   (setq lines sip:default-motion
		 sip:eob-motion nil
		 sip:eob-last-point nil)))
    (setq lines (* direction lines))
    ;; On the first scroll command, record the current column and
    ;; whether and where the end-of-buffer is in the window.
    (cond (first-scroll
	   (setq sip:goal-column (or (and track-eol (eolp) 9999)
	   ;; We record the number of lines of text in the window
	   ;; minus one.  We will use this later to make scrolling up
	   ;; from the end of buffer and then back down completely
	   ;; reversible.  Otherwise, the scrolling feature that
	   ;; prevents the end of buffer from ever being higher than
	   ;; the last line of the window would prevent reversibility.
	   (setq sip:eob-blank-limit
		   (goto-char (window-start window))
		   (vertical-motion (1- height))))))
    ;; if point not in window, center window around point
      (cond ((not (pos-visible-in-window-p (point) window))
	     (vertical-motion (/ (- height) 2))
	     (set-window-start window (point)))))
    ;; Execute the scrolling motion.
     (not (= lines 0))
     (catch 'buffer-boundary
	 (goto-char (window-start window))
	 (cond ((< lines 0)	        ; upward -- scrolling down
		(cond ((bobp)
		       (message (get 'beginning-of-buffer 'error-message))
		       (throw 'buffer-boundary t)))
		(setq moved (vertical-motion lines)))
	       ((> lines 0)		; downward -- scrolling up
		;; When checking for downward motion scrolling up, we
		;; actually move somewhere between one and two screens
		;; worth of distance, to make sure that the end of
		;; buffer will be at least sip:eob-blank-limit lines
		;; down from the first line.  sip:eob-blank-limit is
		;; the number of lines of text after the first line
		;; that were in this window at the time the current
		;; sequence of scrolling commands started.
		(setq moved (+ (vertical-motion (+ lines
			       (vertical-motion (- sip:eob-blank-limit))))
		(cond ((< moved 1)
		       (message (get 'end-of-buffer 'error-message))
		       (throw 'buffer-boundary t))))
	       (t (error "bad value: lines: %s" lines)))
	 (set-window-start window (point)))
       (if (< (abs moved) (abs lines))
	   (setq sip:eob-motion moved))
       ;; keep point on same line of window
       (vertical-motion moved)
       ;; keep point on same column of window
       (move-to-column sip:goal-column)
     ;; We are already at the limit of scrolling.  Move point to the
     ;; buffer boundary instead.
     (cond ((and (< lines 0) (not (bobp)))
	    (setq sip:eob-last-point (point))
	    (goto-char (point-min)))
	   ((and (> lines 0) (not (eobp)))
	    (setq sip:eob-last-point (point))
	    (goto-char (point-max))))))

(provide 'scroll-in-place)

jbw@bucsf.UUCP (04/23/89)

In article <1167@esquire.UUCP> sbb@esquire.UUCP (Stephen B. Baumgarten) writes:
>Something called "scroll.el" was posted a while ago by Joe Wells
>(jbw%bucsf.bu.edu@bu-it.bu.edu), and I think it should solve at least
>your first problem.
>It's so small I'm just going to include it here.

I've made many changes to the enhanced scrolling package, and I just
posted the most recent version to comp.emacs.

The changes fix bugs, implement several users' requests, and solve the
problem to which Joel Spolsky referred.

Joe Wells <jbw@bucsf.bu.edu>