[comp.emacs] EGREP -- Addition to COMPILE.EL for GNU Emacs

Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu (Ashwin Ram) (04/26/89)

GNU Emacs 18.52.26 of Sun Apr 23 1989 on leo.ring.cs.yale.edu (Domain/OS)

The following function, analogous to GREP, is a useful addition to COMPILE.EL:

;; Ashwin Ram, 4/11/89.
(defun egrep (command)
  "Run egrep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
While egrep runs asynchronously, you can use the \\[next-error] command
to find the text that egrep hits refer to."
  (interactive "sRun egrep (with args): ")
  (compile1 (concat "egrep -n " command " /dev/null")
	    "No more grep hits" "egrep"))

-- Ashwin.

ARPA:    Ram-Ashwin@cs.yale.edu
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