[comp.emacs] How's Info as a database in {free,u}emacs on PC?

mrwittma@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Martin R. Wittmann) (04/27/89)

(Replies please via e-mail)
I don't know emacs (yet?), but I've been "inside" it and have browsed
around in "Info"-mode on our VAX.  "Info" seems like it could be a
convenient context in which I could store both database-type data
(names & addresses, etc.) and, more importantly to me, notes, text
linked by ideas with easily followable cross-references, and various
thoughts.  In fact, it could be turned into a program development
environment, with a different function on each "page", linked
appropriately.... but I trust I'm not the first to gain this great

Consequently, I am considering getting & learning freemacs or micro
emacs if they too can read and easily manipulate Info files  (Is Info a
standard part of emacs?).

Of importance to me are:
	* speed (editing, searching, modifying files up to around
	* ease of use (creating & maintaining links)
	* ease of switching between info and editing modes
	* flexibility -- e.g.  allowing me to rearrange "pages" or text
		sections without having to re-cross-reference or link.
	* extensibility (once I learn emacs!)

My PC rates a mere 1.8 on the Norton SI scale, so speed *may* be a

**More Questions:
	Can Info links jump to other files? 
	If Info will not do this, are there other emacs utilities
		that would meet these goals?

Any comments on the use of Info or other tools for these purposes will
be greatly appreciated.  This seems like such a universal and useful
purpose for these machines, I hope we (generally:  mankind;
specifically:  programmers,  the computer pioneers) have created some
excellent solutions!

Also under consideration are tools such as MaxThink, Houdini, and
AskSam.  Any comments on the comparative advantages & disadvantages of
these will be appreciated.

Thanks for your help,   martin wittmann   (mrwittma@phoenix.princeton.EDU)
(replies via e-mail please.  i am not a regular c.emacs reader.)