pel@unh.UUCP (Paul E. Leclerc) (06/19/89)
I am using Gnu emacs version 18.51 on both a Vax running Ultrix and a Sun running SunOS 4.0. I may be mislead or am doing something wrong but...... I have etag'd all my sources for a program that I am maintaining. If I have a routine named foo() and dofoo() And if I find-tag-other-window or just find-tag, using foo() as the thing to find, it finds dofoo() instead. I think I know the problem and a possible solution but maybe somebody knows something better. I think the tags program is just picking the first thing it sees in the tag file. I know that I can tag-continue-loop, but *I* want emacs to find what I want the first time. Is there a way to do this the way I want it to without having to write my own? Thanks Paul Leclerc PS. I don't/can't want to change the sources of my program to make them more unique. Why should I have to? -- =========================================================================== Paul Leclerc, Computer Specialist III |Bitnet: P_LECLERC@UNHH.BITNET University of NH |UUCP: ...uunet!unh!pel ===========================================================================
lrs@indetech.UUCP (Lynn Slater) (06/29/89)
>I have etag'd all my sources for a program that I am maintaining. > If I have a routine named > foo() > and > dofoo() A simple change to find-tag will do it. Replace (if (not (search-forward tagname nil t)) with (if (not (re-search-forward tagname nil t)) Warning: users of this change must be very familar with regular expressions or risk being bewildered by tags. A more practical solution might be to tag on " foo". Note: maybe this question should have gone to Gnu.emacs.bug =============================================================== Lynn Slater -- {sun, ames, pacbell}!indetech!lrs or lrs@indetech.uucp 42075 Lawrence Place, Fremont Ca 94538 Office (415) 438-2048; Home (415) 796-4149; Fax (415) 438-2034 =============================================================== (M.D. Templeton GEC ) (06/30/89)
Can anyone mail me a copy of XMenu.h - I can't find it in my X stuff. Druid.