[comp.emacs] Help! Blinding uEMACS

drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) (07/06/89)

I just recently got uEMACS "up and running" on my PC.
However, the screen came up in INVERSE VIDEO.  
Can anyone suggest how to change the display back to NORMAL VIDEO??
Its a Monocrome monitor on a Leading Edge for what its worth.

My eyes and I would appreciate any responses.

Darrell Schiebel

Darrell Schiebel                          ._       ._  ._  .__            __
drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu                    | \  /\  |_) |_) |_  |   |     (_ 
Concurrent Engineering Research Center    |_/ /--\ | \ | \ |__ |__ |__   __) ::
West Virginia University        

wsincc@eutrc3.urc.tue.nl (Wim van Dorst) (07/07/89)

In article <167@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu.edu> drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) writes:
>I just recently got uEMACS "up and running" on my PC.
>However, the screen came up in INVERSE VIDEO.  

You just have to remove  set-global-mode blue      from your
emacs.rc. That's all.

Greetings,   Wim van Dorst, wsincc@tuerc3.urc.tue.nl

leilabd@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Leila Burrell-Davis) (07/07/89)

drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) writes:

> I just recently got uEMACS "up and running" on my PC.
> However, the screen came up in INVERSE VIDEO.
> Can anyone suggest how to change the display back to NORMAL VIDEO??
> Its a Monocrome monitor on a Leading Edge for what its worth.
> My eyes and I would appreciate any responses.

I assume he means version 3.10. I had this problem on my machine at
home. The solution from my emacs.rc is:

; function key window colour and other window colours
; blue and black are good for mono and lcd/cga screens
set %rcfkcol blue
set %rcwincol black

Hope this helps.

Leila Burrell-Davis, Computing Service, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Tel: +44 273 678390   Fax: +44 273 678335  JANET: leilabd@uk.ac.sussex.syma
ARPA: leilabd%syma.sussex.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
BITNET: leilabd@syma.sussex.ac.uk      UUCP: leilabd@syma.uucp

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (07/07/89)

in article <167@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu.edu>, drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) says:
$ Keywords: uEMACS
$ I just recently got uEMACS "up and running" on my PC.
$ However, the screen came up in INVERSE VIDEO.  
$ Can anyone suggest how to change the display back to NORMAL VIDEO??
$ Its a Monocrome monitor on a Leading Edge for what its worth.

Try recompiling with #define COLOR 0 in estruct.h

John H. Lawitzke           UUCP: Work: ...uunet!frith!dale1!jhl
Dale Computer Corp., R&D         Home  ...uunet!frith!ipecac!jhl
2367 Science Parkway       Internet:   jhl@frith.egr.msu.edu
Okemos, MI, 48864                             []

nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu (Daniel Lawrence) (07/08/89)

In article <1149@syma.sussex.ac.uk> leilabd@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Leila Burrell-Davis) writes:
>drs@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Darrell Schiebel) writes:

	[He describes some undesirable colers on his MONO monitor.]

>I assume he means version 3.10. I had this problem on my machine at
>home. The solution from my emacs.rc is:
>; function key window colour and other window colours
>; blue and black are good for mono and lcd/cga screens
>set %rcfkcol blue
>set %rcwincol black
>Hope this helps.


		Some must have been distributing a modified startup
file.  I don't believe I ever used those variable names.  With the
distributed startup file, just remove the:

	add-global-mode blue

	statement as pointed out by an earlier posting.

			Daniel Lawrence  voice: (317) 742-5153
					  arpa:	dan@midas.mgmt.purdue.edu
				The Programmer's Room 
				Fido: 1:201/10 - (317) 742-5533