[comp.emacs] VM mail reader...

wjc@ho5cad.ATT.COM (Bill Carpenter) (05/29/89)

In article <EHO.89May27015758@cognito.Princeton.EDU> eho@cognito.Princeton.EDU (Eric Ho) writes:

> I heard that there is a VM mail reader for GNU Emacs.  Can anyone tell me
> what are the goodies (i.e. a general description) & where I can get it ?

"VM" was posted here within the last week or so by Kyle Jones.  Here
are the message ID's:

  Message-ID: <8905232131.AA24607@talos.uucp>
  Message-ID: <8905232131.AA24619@talos.uucp>
  Message-ID: <8905232132.AA24632@talos.uucp>
  Message-ID: <8905241858.AA04411@talos.uucp>

"VM" is a mail reader for GNUemacs that seems to be of about the same
power as GNUemacs "rmail".  It's chief advantage is that it uses plain
old mail files as its storage format.  To me, this seems like a major
win, since you can easily interact with the tons of other UNIX tools
that already know about mail folders.  For outbound mail (including
replies, etc), it uses the same mail-mode stuff as "rmail".

I've been playing with "VM" for several days and am pretty pleased.  I
don't miss "rmail" at all (especially the part about it instantly
converting stuff to babyl format without asking me :-().  Naturally,
I'd like to see a few thing different in "VM" (isn't that the nature
of emacs users? :-), but all in all it's a major elisp package that's

Public thanks to Kyle for this one.
   Bill Carpenter         att!ho5cad!wjc  or  attmail!bill

drich@dialogic.UUCP (Dan Rich) (08/31/89)

I seem to remember seeing a copy of a mail reader called VM go by in
this group in the last couple of months.  At the time I grabbed a
copy, but it got lost in a file system shuffle.  Can anyone tell me
the source so that I can get another copy?

- Thanks
- Dan Rich              |                           |   Dialogic Corporation
  drich@dialogic.UUCP   | - Time is an illusion.    |   129 Littleton Rd
        or              |   Lunchtime, doubly so. - |   Parsippany, NJ 07054
  uunet!dialogic!drich  |          - Douglas Adams  |   (201)334-8450 x177

mdb@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM (Mark D. Baushke) (08/31/89)

On 30 Aug 89 19:31:34 GMT, drich@dialogic.UUCP (Dan Rich) said:

drich> I seem to remember seeing a copy of a mail reader called VM go by in
drich> this group in the last couple of months.  At the time I grabbed a
drich> copy, but it got lost in a file system shuffle.  Can anyone tell me
drich> the source so that I can get another copy?

Source is cfdl.larc.nasa.gov:pub/gnu/vm-4.40.tar.Z as of 17 Aug 1989.

The Ohio State archive (tut.cis.ohio-state.edu and osu-cis) currently
has a copy of vm-4.39.tar.Z .

Mark D. Baushke
Internet:   mdb@ESD.3Com.COM
UUCP:	    {3comvax,auspex,sun}!bridge2!mdb

olaf@tub.UUCP (Olaf Heimburger) (08/31/89)

Mark> On 30 Aug 89 19:31:34 GMT, drich@dialogic.UUCP (Dan Rich) said:

drich> I seem to remember seeing a copy of a mail reader called VM go by in
drich> this group in the last couple of months.  At the time I grabbed a
drich> copy, but it got lost in a file system shuffle.  Can anyone tell me
drich> the source so that I can get another copy?

Mark> Source is cfdl.larc.nasa.gov:pub/gnu/vm-4.40.tar.Z as of 17 Aug 1989.

Mark> The Ohio State archive (tut.cis.ohio-state.edu and osu-cis) currently
Mark> has a copy of vm-4.39.tar.Z .

For those who can't ftp nor anon uucp, is there a chance to get the
latest vm via e-mail?

Thanks, in advance
* Olaf Heimburger, The ISOTEXT Project, TU Berlin (West), Dep. of CS
* uucp: ...!pyramid!tub!olaf (US) ...!mcvax!unido!tub!olaf (Europe)
* <olaf@tub.UUCP> <olaf@db0tui6.BITNET> <olaf@tub.BITNET> FAX: +49 30 31425156
* >>> Have you hugged your Computer today?