[comp.emacs] Arrowkeys for Jove

jpayne%flam@Sun.COM (Jonathan Payne) (09/09/89)

In article <1989Sep8.022556.21527@agate.uucp> c60a-4dc@WEB.berkeley.edu () writes:
>	Though I know the flexibility and power, I have kept from using Jove 
>for my editor; I use Emacs on Xwindow and I prepare texts on any Mac editors
>and send when on modem.  And the single reason is, Jove originally doesn't bind
>arrow key!
>	It is so painful that makes me feel Jove is not worth it despite its
>power.  And I tried bind arrow keys for vt100 by modifying .joverc and as you
>guessed, failed.  First I added the following:
>And when trying to use arrow keys, it beeps, and returns "ESC-0 not bound" on
>the command line.  So I took a look at cmd.doc and found a following:

"ESC O not bound" should have been the give-away.  Your arrow-keys are
generating ^[Ox, not ^[[x.

JOVE isn't as powerful as emacs.  But it's fast and small and does most
of the things in a reasonable way.  The latest version has the following
in the system-wide initialization file:

    make-keymap ansi-codes
    bind-keymap-to-key ansi-codes ^[[
    bind-keymap-to-key ansi-codes ^[O
    bind-to-key previous-line ^[[A
    bind-to-key next-line ^[[B
    bind-to-key forward-character ^[[C
    bind-to-key backward-character ^[[D

It creates a keymap called ansi-codes and binds that keymap to two
differernt keys, "ESC [" and "ESC O".  Then it binds the commands as you
would like.  NOTE: Binding with the sequence ^[[x binds it for ^[Ox as
well, since they are sharing the ansi-codes map.

You are right, it is a pain to bind arbitary sequences like those
generated from the sun keyboards.  Fortunately for me I hate function
keys about as much as I hate arrow keys.  The reason the arrow keys
haven't been bound in the past is that I wanted to discourage people from
using them.  It's much better and faster to use the ^U command to move
around in big chunks.  There is no substitute for ^U^U^N or ^U^U^F, there
really isn't.  In this day and age everyone has a work station on his or
her desk, so the machine can keep up with people holding down the arrow
