jeburke@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (John Burke) (11/28/89)
Help! I'm actually getting to the point where it would be nice to write real extensions to the editor (as opposed to macros). Does there exist somewhere a primer for writing Emacs LISP code? Ideally it would detail the lisp functions that are used to effect the various editor functions, with tips on writing your own. If this is a topic which has been hashed to death in this group already (I have just subscribed), please reply by E-mail. Otherwise, please post replies to comp.emacs, and thanks! John Burke ___________________________________ Per EDT ad Emacs! ___________________________________ (min-woong sohn) (12/07/89)
I also want to have the Elisp manual. Any ideas where to find it? If you have it, please send it to me. Thanks in advance Min
adnan@sgtech.UUCP (Adnan Yaqub) (12/07/89)
In article <> (min-woong sohn) writes:
I also want to have the Elisp manual. Any ideas where to find it?
If you have it, please send it to me.
Since this is probably of interest to others, I shall respond
publicly. One can obtainthe Elisp manual via anonymous UUCP from
osu-cis. The osu-cis file tells you every thing you
need to know, including where the manual is available via anonymous
FTP. Here is the start of the file. Grap a copy for
yourself and you are all set.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 karl 28633 Nov 20 08:57
This file (osu-cis!~/ describes how to get the
following software from osu-cis via semi-anonymous UUCP:
C++ Test Suite Compress ET++ GNU /bin Utilities
GNU Assembler GNU Awk GNU Bash GNU Bison
GNU C++ Compiler GNU C++ Library GNU C Compiler GNU Chess
GNU DBM GNU Debugger GNU Diff GNU Emacs
GNU Emacs Ada support GNU Emacs Franz interface
GNU Emacs Lisp Manual GNU Go GNU Gperf & Cperf GNU Grep
GNU Indent GNU Lex GNU Make GNU Pins & Art
GNU Plot & Plot2PS GNU Sed GNU Tar GNUS Ghostscript Gnews
Ispell JOVE KA9Q Kermit Leif MIT C Scheme Mg2a NNTP
News Oops PCRRN Patch Pathalias Protoize
Sendmail Smail Tcsh VM
There's a lot of other available miscellany that isn't explicitly
listed here. You can find out about it in the file osu-cis!~/ls-lR.Z
The Computer and Information Science Department of the Ohio State
University provides Free Software Foundation GNU products (and others)
via UUCP only as a redistribution service. Anything found here is
only and exactly as it would be found on the indicated Internet hosts,
were one to acquire it via anonymous FTP (like we did); or else saved
it as it flowed past on the Usenet source distribution newsgroups.
OSU CIS takes no responsibility for the contents of any of the
distributions described in this message. See the Distribution
document (emacs/etc/DISTRIB when you unpack and build Emacs) and the
GNU Emacs General Public License (emacs/etc/COPYING, similarly).
Much of the GNU software is in beta-test. For a list of the current
statuses (stati?), ask for a copy of the latest
FSF order form.
How to reach osu-cis via uucp
Here is a set of L.sys or Systems file lines suitable for osu-cis:
# Direct Trailblazer
osu-cis Any ACU 19200 1-614-292-5112 in:--in:--in: Uanon
# Direct V.32 (MNP 4)
osu-cis Any ACU 9600 1-614-292-1153 in:--in:--in: Uanon
# Micom port selector, at 1200, 2400, or 9600 bps.
# Replace ##'s below with 12, 24, or 96 (both speed and phone number).
# NOTE: 9600 bps Micom access may not yet be operational, or may be flaky.
osu-cis Any ACU ##00 1-614-292-31## "" \r\c Name? osu-cis nected \c GO \d\r\d\r\d\r in:--in:--in: Uanon
Modify as appropriate for your site, of course, to deal with your
local telephone system. There are no limitations concerning the hours
of the day you may call.
We are deeply grateful to Philips Components of Eindhoven, the
Netherlands for the donation of a Trailblazer Plus and a Codex 2264
for use by the community at large.
Where the files are
Most items exist on osu-cis for distribution purposes in compressed
tar form, exactly what you find on the indicated hosts in the
specified origin files. Most items are cut into pieces for the sake
of uucp sanity. This separation helps if your uucp session fails
midway through a conversation; you need restart only with the part
that failed, rather than the whole beast. The pieces are typically
named with a root word, followed by letter pairs like "aa" and "bj,"
meaning that the pieces are all named with the root word, followed by
a dash and the suffixes indicated, using the letters inclusive between
the two limits. All pieces but the last are 100,000 bytes long, and
the fragmentary last piece has some smaller size.
Adnan Yaqub
Star Gate Technologies, 29300 Aurora Rd., Solon, OH, USA, +1 216 349 1860
...cwjcc!ncoast!sgtech!adnan ...uunet!abvax!sgtech!adnan (Stephen Jacobs) (12/14/89)
A couple things about getting the elisp docs from osu-cis: first is that the ls-lR.Z file (the compressed DIRECTORY LISTING) is over 100 k, and it expands to 5 times that. The other thing is that people calling through the Micom port selector may find it advisable to send a couple of extra \r\d s after establishing the connection, to be sure of waking up the genii. And also, when traffic is heavy, the port selector may send funny messages that your uucp software should probably interpret as telling it to try again later (but I don't know enough to automate that). Steve J.