[comp.emacs] Grow and shrink minibuffer window as minibuffer grows and shrinks

jka@hpfcso.HP.COM (Jay Adams) (12/15/89)

As it turns out, I was working along similar lines not too long ago.
Here is what I came up with.  multi-line-message and
multi-line-read-from-minibuffer could be replacements for the standard
emacs functions message and read-from-minibuffer.
multi-line-read-from-minibuffer, however, uses recursive-edit to read
the input string.  The real read-from-minibuffer does some kind of
magic to read the input string.  

This code is not copyrighted in any way so feel free to mass-produce
it, claim it as your own work, sell it for some exorbitant price, and
make a small fortune.

- Jay

(defun multi-line-message (string)
  "Sort of like message 'cept STRING can be many lines."
  (let ((index 0)
	(lines (lines-in-string string)))
    (if (= lines 1)
	(message str)
      (let (start
	    (old-window (selected-window)))
	      (select-window (minibuffer-window))
	      (enlarge-window (1- lines))
	      (setq start (point))
	      (insert string)
	      (setq end (point))
	      (select-window old-window)
	      (sit-for 33554431))
	  (select-window (minibuffer-window))
	  (enlarge-window (- 1 lines))
	  (delete-region start end)
	  (select-window old-window))))))

(defun lines-in-string (s width)
  (let ((index 0)
	(last 0)
	(lines 1))
    (while (string-match "\n" s index)
      (if (>= (- (match-beginning 0) last) (1- width))
	  (setq lines (1+ lines)))
      (setq lines (1+ lines)
	    last  index
	    index (match-end 0)))
    (if (>= (- (length s) index) (1- width))
	(setq lines (1+ lines)))

(defun multi-line-read-from-minibuffer (prompt &optional initial keymap read)
  "Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If optional second arg INITIAL-CONTENTS is non-nil, it is a string
  to be inserted into the minibuffer before reading input.
Third arg KEYMAP is a keymap to use whilst reading; the default is
If fourth arg READ is non-nil, then interpret the result as a lisp object
  and return that object  (ie  (car (read-from-string <input-string>)))"
  (or initial (setq initial ""))
  (or keymap (setq keymap minibuffer-local-map))
    (select-window (minibuffer-window))
    (let ((start (point))
	  (scroll-step 1)
	  (lines (+ -1
		    (lines-in-string prompt (window-width))
		    (lines-in-string initial (window-width))))
	    (enlarge-window (1- lines))
	    (insert "*")
	    (insert prompt)
	    (setq input-begin (point))
	    (insert initial)
	    (use-local-map keymap)
	    (setq result (buffer-substring input-begin (point-max))))
	(enlarge-window (- 1 lines))
	(delete-region start (point-max)))
      (if read
	  (car (read-from-string result))