[comp.emacs] C-g dumps core; gnuemacs 18.55

mazer@bek-owl.caltech.edu (Jamie Mazer) (12/30/89)

Machine:   masscomp (m-masscomp.h) under ucb enviornment
Software:  rtu 4.0 (s-rtu.h)
Emacs:     GNU emacs 18.55 (from prep)

Ok, I finally bit the bullet and decided to go from 18.52 to 18.55!
The new version runs fine under X11 (pops up a window, runs
virtually bug free etc). When used in an xterm window, or on
a regular tty C-g causes emacs to crash and dump core, followed
by logging out the user, as follows:

% emacs
... C-g typed after startup message appears ...
Fatal error (3).
Quit - core dumped
% logout		; I assume here, that a C-d is causing the logout??

This seems to have something to do with INTERRUPT_INPUT, as far as
I can tell - but I can't find anything about it in TFM. Can anybody
give me a hand? Responses to me please, since I don't think this
is of interest to the whole net...

//   "Careful with that AXE, Eugene!"     | Div of Biology, 216-76 //
// mazer@bek-owl.caltech.edu [1st choice] |        Caltech         //
//      mazer@tybalt.caltech.edu          |   Pasadena, CA 91125   //
//       jmazer@caltech.bitnet            |     (818) 356-6816     //