[comp.emacs] Terminal lock program for GNU Emacs

nhess@dvlseq.oracle.com (Nate Hess) (02/06/90)

Here is a little something that I wrote a couple of years ago.  Someone
might find it useful; I used it on my terminal at home all the time to
prevent Binky, my cat, from doing nasty things to my Emacs session.

To my knowledge, no one has been able to break the lock.

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;;;	Copyright (C) 1990 Nathan R. Hess
;;;	Verbatim copies of this file may be freely redistributed.
;;;	Modified versions of this file may be redistributed provided
;;;	that this notice remains unchanged, the file contains prominent
;;;	notice of author and time of modifications, and redistribution
;;;	of the file is not further restricted in any way.
;;;	This file is distributed `as is', without warranties of any kind.
;;;	Author:  Nathan Hess  (nhess@oracle.com)
;;;	Purpose:  Terminal Lock utility for GNU Emacs;
;;;		  intended primarily for use on ASCII terminals.
;;;	Pseudo-Disclaimer:  This is a couple hour hack.
;;;	Change History:
;;;	11/02/87 NRH	First version.
;;;	11/19/87 NRH	Don't echo the password, and ask the user to
;;;			verify it.  Also, added variable for longest
;;;			allowable password.
;;;	12/15/87 NRH	Kick up the LOCKED buffer to cover the whole
;;;                     screen, and restore the previous window
;;;                     configuration when proper password is given.
;;;	01/07/88 NRH	Prompt the user for an optional message to be
;;;                     displayed along with the "enter password"
;;;                     message.  A worthwhile possible enhancement to
;;;                     this would be to have a set of canned messages
;;;                     ("Gone to lunch", etc.) displayed in a menu.
;;;                     The user would either pick one of those or would
;;;                     type one in.
;;;	02/01/88 NRH	Added a default signature to the optional message.
;;;	02/05/90 NRH	Some cleanup before posting.
(defvar max-term-lock-password-length 100
  "*Largest password allowed in term-lock mode.")

(defvar term-lock-signature nil
  "*Default signature at bottom of optional message, none if nil.")

(defun term-lock ()
  "Prompts user for a password, verifies the password,
then won't leave the ***LOCKED*** buffer 'til it's typed in again.
Prompts for an optional message to display in the middle of the screen."
  (let ((echo-keystrokes 0)
    (setq first-try (read-string-no-echo "Enter password:"))
    (setq second-try (read-string-no-echo "Verify password:"))
    (if	(not (string-equal first-try second-try))
	(message "Password not verified.")
      (if (> (length first-try) max-term-lock-password-length)
	  (message "Password longer than max-term-lock-password-length")
	(if (= (length first-try) 0)
	    (message "Null password is not valid.")
	  (setq informative-message
		(read-string "Enter optional message: "))
	  (setq window-configuration-before-lock
	  (switch-to-buffer "***LOCKED***")
	  (insert "Enter password followed by <CR> to exit")
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	  ; This is obviously a klunky way of centering text...
	  (insert "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
	  (insert informative-message)
	  (insert "\n")
	  (if (and
		(stringp term-lock-signature)
		(not (string-equal informative-message "")))
	      (insert term-lock-signature "\n"))
	     (search-backward "\n\n\n")
	     (+ (point) 2))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  ; Just to rub it in...  :->#
	  (setq buffer-read-only t)
	  (setq typed-password "")
	  (term-lock-mode first-try)))))
) ;term-lock

(defun term-lock-mode (password)
  "Kicks up a '***LOCKED***' buffer, and waits for the password."
  (setq major-mode 'term-lock-mode)
  (setq mode-name "Term-Lock")
  (setq initial-password password)
  (use-local-map term-lock-map)
) ;term-lock-mode

(defun add-to-typed-password ()
  "Append the character to the typed password."
  (setq typed-password (concat typed-password
			       (substring (recent-keys) -1)))
  (if (> (length typed-password) max-term-lock-password-length)
	(setq typed-password "")
	(message "Did something fall on your terminal?")
	(sit-for 3 t))
    (message ""))
) ;add-to-typed-password

(defun check-typed-password ()
  "Compare passwords, and exit if they are the same."
  (if (string-equal initial-password typed-password)
	(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
	(set-window-configuration window-configuration-before-lock))
    (setq typed-password "")
    (message "Get a real password."))
) ;check-typed-password

(defun read-string-no-echo (msg)
  "Return a string read from the keyboard, without echo to the minibuffer.
Keep MSG, a string, in the minibuffer during entry of the string."
  (message msg)
  (let ((char (read-char))
	(cursor-in-echo-area t)
	(string ""))
    (while (/= char ?\C-m)
      (setq string (concat string (list char)))
      (message msg)
      (setq char (read-char)))
) ;read-string-no-echo

(setq term-lock-map (make-keymap))
; Note that we are rebinding C-g, here.  Sport Death!
(substitute-key-definition nil 'add-to-typed-password term-lock-map)
(define-key term-lock-map "\C-l" 'recenter)
(define-key term-lock-map "\C-m" 'check-typed-password)
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Hope y'all find this useful!
	   "What I like is when you're looking and thinking and looking
	   and thinking...and suddenly you wake up."   - Hobbes

nhess@dvlseq.oracle.com or ...!uunet!oracle!nhess or (415) 598-3046