[comp.emacs] Rereading .mailrc

rfm@urth (Rich McAllister) (04/12/90)

In article <PIERSON.90Apr11110714@xenna.encore.com>, pierson@encore (Dan L. Pierson) writes:
>[sendmail.el] reads my .mailrc just fine.  Unfortunately, it only reads it
>the first time I send mail; changes won't be noticed in the same Emacs
>session.  A quick look at the sources reveals that aliases are actually set
>up by build-mail-aliases (a non interactive command in mailalias.el) iff
>the variable mail-aliases is exactly t. [...]  So it looks like the way to
>change your aliases while Emacs is running is [to edit .mailrc and then run
>build-mail-aliases.] You could package this with [a function to find-file
>.mailrc, recursive edit and build-mail-aliases].

What I do is use write-file-hooks to check for writing of .mailrc:

(setq write-file-hooks (cons 'alias-check write-file-hooks))
(defun alias-check() "\
Reset mail-aliases to t when ~/.mailrc is written, so that mail-aliases
will get updated before next send."
    (if (equal ".mailrc"
	       (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)) 
	(setq mail-aliases t))
    nil)				;must return nil for file to be written

Rich McAllister (rfm@sun.com)

montnaro@spyder.crd.ge.com (Skip Montanaro) (04/12/90)

The version of Emacs sendmail we use here recurses on source commands in
your .mailrc file. We have over 1800 local mailnames aliased in a couple
files, so referencing them when first you send mail from Emacs, or even on
the rare occasion when you execute something like

    mail -s frobboz foo@bar.oz <some.file

can be a real pain.

My solution was to quit sourcing those large files from .mailrc and build a
Makefile to run nightly to create a quick-to-load piece of ELisp. Mail alias
translation is then taken off-line. I now execute

    (load "~/.mail-aliases" t t)

from ~/.emacs.

The GNUmakefile target needed to generate ~/.mail-aliases is:

ARCH	:= $(strip $(shell arch))
EMACS	:= /common/$(ARCH)/bin/emacs
ALIASDIR := /common/all/lib
AFILE := /tmp/mail-alias.el

.PRECIOUS : $(HOME)/.mail-aliases

$(HOME)/.mail-aliases : $(HOME)/.mailrc $(ALIASDIR)/unix-aliases \
	echo '(message "Building mail aliases... ")' > $(AFILE)
	echo '(load "~/emacs/mailalias" nil t)' >> $(AFILE)
	echo '$(foreach f,$^,(build-mail-aliases "$f") )' >> $(AFILE)
	echo '(set-buffer (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name "~/.mail-aliases")))' >> $(AFILE)
	echo "(erase-buffer) (insert \"(setq mail-aliases '\n\")" >> $(AFILE)
	echo '(insert (format "%s\n" mail-aliases)) (insert ")\n")' >> $(AFILE)
	echo '(save-buffer) (kill-buffer (current-buffer))' >> $(AFILE)
	echo '(message "Building mail aliases... Done")' >> $(AFILE)
	$(EMACS) -batch -l $(AFILE)
	rm -f $(AFILE)

Executing the above Make actions on my SPARCStation takes about 1 minute.
Loading the ~/.mail-aliases takes about 1 second.

Skip (montanaro@crdgw1.ge.com)