[comp.emacs] MicroEmacs 3.10 & cursor keys

fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org (Frank Kaefer) (05/26/90)

Dear All,

I have a problem with MicroEmacs 3.10 and the cursor keys of my 386
(running Interactive Sys V). My cursor keys send ^[[A ^[[B ^[[C ^[[D,
and it seems that MicroEmacs cannot handle this. There is a fix for BSD
in the Source, but not for SYS V. Has anyone a solution for this
problem ? Every help appreciated.

| Frank Kaefer | fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org | Starnberg, West Germany |
| (Compuserve: 72427,2101) | (BIX: fkaefer)                       |