[comp.emacs] Partial Completers

darrylo@HPNMXX.HP.COM (05/31/90)

> The more intensely I use gnu emacs the more I miss the partial
> completion feature found for instance on Symbolics lisp machines.
> What I mean is that you can type M-x c - w Ret which the system expands to
> compare-windows.  "-" is here the partial completer.  Typing a partial
> completer means to the system that there are potentially some
> characters missing before the completer.

     Try: "M-x compa M-TAB".  M-TAB is bound to the function
`lisp-complete-symbol'.  Also try M-TAB after typing less than "compa"
(e.g., "c", or "co", etc.).

     -- Darryl Okahata
	UUCP: {hplabs!, hpcea!, hpfcla!} hpnmd!darrylo
	Internet: darrylo%hpnmd@hpcea.HP.COM