[comp.emacs] Some nice utilities for mh-e.el

aks@SOMEWHERE.BERKELEY.EDU (Alan Stebbens) (06/05/90)

One of the most frequent things I do when reading mail via mh-e in Emacs
is to delete a bunch of mail concerning the _same_ subject.  The next
frequent thing is to view a piece of mail, and then wonder if someone
else in my organization has answered it; that is, I want to know if
there is a piece of mail with the same subject, or, thirdly, another
reply by the same sender.  I often resort to using one of the builtin
search commands, all of which, however require either proper prior
postioning (how's _that_ for assonance) or manual input.

Again, trying to make mh-e and Emacs Do The Right Thing, I've developed
the following code which you may also find useful.  Included with it are
some other mh-e utilities I've acquired from the net; if you recognize a
function as being originally your own, please speak up, and I'll be glad
to place your name in its proper place of honor.

"mh-util.el" consists of the following goodies (currently :^):

mh-next-msg-same-kind	N	[mh-folder-map]
mh-prev-msg-same-kind	P	[mh-folder-map]
	Functions to move to the next message of the same kind, either
	by subject or by sender, depending upon either the variable
	mh-search-kind-default, or the prefix argument.

mh-toggle-kind-search	T	[mh-folder-map]
	Allows you to easily switch between subject searching and sender

mh-delete-by-subject	D	[mh-folder-map]
	A function to delete messages in the current folder by subject

mh-delete-by-body	M-d	[mh-folder-map]
	A function to delete message by a body text pattern.

mh-do-pick-delete	C-c C-d	[mh-pick-map]
	An enhancement to M-x mh-pick-search, so that after invoking
	mh-pick-search to construct a pick pattern, you can do C-c C-d
	to cause the pattern to be used as a search-and-delete, instead
	of just putting it into a sequence list.

mh-toggle-headers	M-t 	[mh-folder-map]
	A function to toggle MH headers


	A "replacement" for the original mh-e function, which did not
	like header values with embedded colons, like:

	"Subject: Re: blah blah"

	The new function has a modified regexp which doesn't mind the
	embedded colons.

To use this, place the following code in a file in your "load-path",
called "mh-utils.el", (you may byte-compile it if you wish), and put 

  (require 'mh-utils)

in your ~/.emacs file.

One thing you may notice: the next-msg-by-kind functions use only the
folder scan listing to discover the message, while the delete-by-KIND
functions use a pick-search.  There is no strong philosophical reason
for this, except that the tools to do the multiple sequences, which is
what you need for the multiple deletion task, were already set up to use
pick sequences, while the searching by KIND was easier to write using
the folder scan listing.  Feel free to comment.


Alan Stebbens        <aks@hub.ucsb.edu>             (805) 961-3221
     Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering (CCSE)
          University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
           3111 Engineering I, Santa Barbara, CA 93106

============================= cut here ===================================
;; mh-util.el
;; $Header$
;;  Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;     Author:  Alan Stebbens <aks@hub.ucsb.edu>
;;	Please send suggestions and corrections to the above address.
;;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; without any warranty.  No author or distributor accepts
;;; responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for
;;; whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
;;; says so in writing.

;;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute GNU
;;; Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the document "GNU
;;; Emacs copying permission notice".  An exact copy of the document is
;;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so that you
;;; can know how you may redistribute it all.  It should be in a file
;;; named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice and this
;;; notice must be preserved on all copies.
;; This file contains enhancements to the mh-e package, a GNU Emacs 
;; front end to the MH mail system, providing:
;;    o  mh-toggle-headers     - show all/default headers
;;    o  mh-next-msg-same-kind - next message with the same {sender,subject}
;;    o  mh-prev-msg-same-kind - prev message with the same {sender,subject}
;;    o  mh-delete-by-subject  - delete messages with given subject
;;    o  mh-delete-by-body     - delete messages with given body text
;;    o  mh-do-pick-delete     - delete messages matching pick pattern
;; See the end of this file for the new key bindings.
;; This file also fixes a bug in mh-next-pick-field, which refuses to allow
;; colons in the value of any component.
;; Last Edited:
;; Mon Jun  4 21:16:26 1990 by Alan Stebbens (aks at somewhere.ucsb.edu)
;; 	 Added mh-{next,prev,find}-same-{kind,sender,subject},
;;	 and mh-match-msg.
;;	 Made mh-do-pick-delete call mh-next-msg at end.
;; Fri May 25 11:19:06 1990 by Alan Stebbens (aks at somewhere.ucsb.edu)
;; 	 Included mh-next-pick-field to fix bug (until fixed in
;; 	 mh-e.el).
;; Fri May 25 10:22:39 1990 by Alan Stebbens (aks at somewhere.ucsb.edu)
;; 	 Initial version.

(require 'mh-e)				; be sure mh-e is loaded first

;; mh-toggle-headers
;; Display or not, all visible headers

(defun mh-toggle-headers (arg) "\
Set display of all message headers according to ARG: if nil, toggle the
current value; if 0, reset to default value (nil); if 1, show all
message headers."
  (interactive "p")
  (setq mh-visible-headers (cond ((or (eq 4 arg) 
				      (and (eq 1 arg)
					   (not mh-visible-headers)))
    (if (get-buffer mh-show-buffer)
	(kill-buffer mh-show-buffer)))
  (mh-show (mh-get-msg-num t)))


(defvar mh-kind-search-default 'subject "\
*This variable should be set to either 'subject or 'sender, indicating the
default kind of search when used with \\[mh-next-msg-same-kind] or

;; The following constants tailor the location in the folder scan listing of
;; the subject and body.  If you ever change the format of the scan listing
;; produced by mh-scan-folder, then you may have to alter these constants also.

(defconst mh-cur-sender-offset 12
  "Offset in the current folder scan where the sender name begins.")

(defconst mh-cur-subject-offset 31
  "Offset in the current folder scan where the subject begins.")

(defconst mh-cur-scan-sender-regexp
  (concat "^"   (make-string mh-cur-sender-offset ?\. )
	  "\\(" (make-string (- mh-cur-subject-offset mh-cur-sender-offset) ?\. )
  "Regexp to match the sender portion of the current message.")

(defconst mh-cur-scan-subject-regexp 
  (concat "^" (make-string mh-cur-subject-offset ?\. )
  "Regexp which matches the subject of the current scan line.")

(defconst mh-good-sender-regexp 
  (concat mh-good-msg-regexp
	  (make-string (- mh-cur-sender-offset (1+ mh-cmd-note)) ?\. ))
  "Regexp used to match good message up to the sender portion.")

(defconst mh-good-subject-regexp
  (concat mh-good-msg-regexp
	  (make-string (- mh-cur-subject-offset (1+ mh-cmd-note)) ?\. ))
  "Regexp matching a good message up to the subject portion.")

(defconst mh-cur-scan-body-regexp "<<[ \t]*\\(.*\\)"
  "Regexp which matches the body included as part of the current scan line.")

(defconst mh-delete-body-prompt-length 50
  "Default length of the initial substring prompt for \\[mh-delete-by-body]")

;; mh-next-msg-same

(defun mh-next-msg-same-kind (arg) "\
Search forward in the current folder for another message with the same
subject, as the current message.  If prefix ARG is given, search by sender
name rather than subject."
  (interactive "P")
  (funcall (mh-same-kind-func arg) 'forward))

;; mh-prev-same-subject

(defun mh-prev-msg-same-kind (arg) "\
Search backward in the current folder for another message with the same
subject as the current message.  If prefix ARG is given, search by sender
name rather than subject."
  (interactive "P")
  (funcall (mh-same-kind-func arg) 'backward))

;; mh-same-kind-func

(defun mh-same-kind-func (arg) 
   (intern (concat "mh-find-msg-same-" 
		   (if arg 
		       (if (eq mh-kind-search-default 'sender) "subject" "sender")
		     (if (eq mh-kind-search-default 'sender) "sender" "subject"))))))

(defun mh-toggle-kind-search () "\
Toggle the kind of message search between 'subject and 'sender."
  (setq mh-kind-search-default 
	(if (eq mh-kind-search-default 'sender) 'subject 'sender))
  (message "Next default searches will be %s kind" (symbol-name mh-kind-search-default)))

;; mh-find-same-subject

(defun mh-find-msg-same-subject (direction) "\
Search according to DIRECTION ('forward or 'backward) for another message
with the same subject as the current message."
  (let* ((subject (save-excursion
		    (looking-at mh-cur-scan-subject-regexp)
		    (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	 (regexp (concat mh-good-subject-regexp
			 (regexp-quote subject))))
    (mh-match-msg direction regexp "subject" subject)))

;; mh-find-msg-same-sender

(defun mh-find-msg-same-sender (direction) "\
Search the current folder given DIRECTION for another message with the
same sender."
  (let ((sender (save-excursion
		  (looking-at mh-cur-scan-sender-regexp)
		  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
    (if (string-match "\\`\\(.+[^ \t]\\)[ \t]+\\'" sender)
	(setq sender (substring sender 0 (match-end 1))))
    (setq regexp (concat mh-good-sender-regexp (regexp-quote sender)))
    (mh-match-msg direction regexp "sender" sender)))

;; mh-match-msg

(defun mh-match-msg (direction regexp component value) "\
Find the next message given DIRECTION matching the given REGEXP.
Third and fourth args are COMPONENT and VALUE, for error messages
on search failure."
  (let* ((dir (symbol-name direction))
	 (search (intern (concat "re-search-" dir)))
	 (adjust-line (intern (concat dir "-line")))
	 (msg (save-excursion
		(beginning-of-line (if (eq direction 'forward) 2 0))
		(if (funcall search regexp nil t)
		    (mh-get-msg-num nil)))))
    (if (and msg (mh-goto-msg msg))
	(setq mh-next-direction direction)
      (message "No more messages %s with %s: \"%s\"" dir component value)

;; mh-delete-by-subject
;; Delete the current msg and any others with the same subject.

(defun mh-delete-by-subject (subject) "\
Search the current folder for messages with the given SUBJECT and delete
  (interactive (list (read-string "Delete by subject: " (mh-current-subject))))
  (let ((folder mh-current-folder))
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " delete-pattern"))
    (mh-insert-fields "Subject:" subject)
    (setq mh-searching-folder folder)

;; mh-delete-by-body
;; Delete any messages with the same body text as the current message.

(defun mh-delete-by-body (body) "\
Search the current folder for messages with the given BODY and delete them.
Prompt for BODY if not supplied."
  (interactive (list (read-string "Delete by text: " (mh-current-body))))
  (let ((folder mh-current-folder))
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " delete-pattern"))
    (mh-goto-header-end 1)
    (insert body)
    (setq mh-searching-folder folder)

;; mh-current-subject

(defun mh-current-subject ()
  "Get the current subject, either from the folder scan listing, or from
the current message, if it is being shown."
  (if mh-showing
	(set-buffer mh-show-buffer)
	  (mh-get-field "Subject:")))
      (if (looking-at mh-cur-scan-subject-regexp)
	  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))

;; mh-current-body

(defun mh-current-body ()
  "Get the current message body, either from the folder scan listing, or
from the current message, if it is being shown."
  (let ((str (if mh-showing 
		   (set-buffer mh-show-buffer)
		     (if (and (mh-goto-header-end 1)
			      (re-search-forward "[^ \t\n]" nil t))
			 (let (beg end)
			   (setq beg (1- (point)))
			   (buffer-substring beg (point))))))
		 (let (end)
		   (setq end (point))
		   (if (re-search-forward mh-cur-scan-body-regexp end t)
		       (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))))
    (if (and str (> (length str) mh-delete-body-prompt-length))
	(substring str 0 mh-delete-body-prompt-length)
;; mh-do-pick-delete
;; Take the current pick-pattern buffer and use it to search and match messages
;; to delete.
;; (copied from mh-do-pick-search, but we use a different sequence name: 'delete)

(defun mh-do-pick-delete ()
  "Find messages that match the qualifications in the current pattern buffer.
Messages are searched for in the folder named in mh-searching-folder.
Delete messages found."
  (let ((pattern-buffer (buffer-name))
	(searching-buffer mh-searching-folder)
	(pattern nil)
	(new-buffer nil))
      (cond ((get-buffer searching-buffer)
	     (set-buffer searching-buffer)
	     (setq range (format "%d-%d" mh-first-msg-num mh-last-msg-num)))
	     (mh-make-folder searching-buffer)
	     (setq range "all")
	     (setq new-buffer t))))
    (message "Searching %s..." searching-buffer)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (setq pattern (mh-next-pick-field pattern-buffer))
      (setq msgs (mh-seq-from-command searching-buffer
				      (nconc (cons "pick" pattern)
					     (list searching-buffer
						   "-sequence" "delete"
      (setq range "delete"))
    (message "Searching %s...done" searching-buffer)
    (if new-buffer
	(mh-scan-folder searching-buffer msgs)
	(switch-to-buffer searching-buffer))
    (message "Deleting %d messages..." (length msgs))
    (mh-delete-msg-no-motion 'delete)
    (message "Deleted %d messages." (length msgs))

;; Make new commands available by keystroke

(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "D"         'mh-delete-by-subject)
(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "\M-d"      'mh-delete-by-body)
(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "\M-t"	   'mh-toggle-headers)
(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "N"	   'mh-next-msg-same-kind)
(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "P"	   'mh-prev-msg-same-kind)
(define-key mh-folder-mode-map "T"	   'mh-toggle-kind-search)

(define-key mh-pick-mode-map   "\C-c\C-d"  'mh-do-pick-delete)

;; Fixes the bug in the standard mh-e.el (modified the regexp).

(defun mh-next-pick-field (buffer)
  ;; Return the next piece of a pick argument that can be extracted from the
  ;; BUFFER.  Returns nil if no pieces remain.
  (set-buffer buffer)
  (let ((case-fold-search t))
    (cond ((eobp)
	  ((re-search-forward "^\\([a-z][^:\n \t]*\\):[ \t]*\\([a-z0-9].*\\)$" nil t)
	   (let* ((component
		   (format "-%s"
			   (downcase (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
						       (match-end 1)))))
		  (pat (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
	       (forward-line 1)
	       (list component pat)))
	  ((re-search-forward "^-*$" nil t)
	   (forward-char 1)
	   (let ((body (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
	     (if (and (> (length body) 0) (not (equal body "\n")))
		 (list "-search" body)

;; Announce that we're loaded

(provide 'mh-util)

jr@bbn.com (John Robinson) (06/05/90)

In article <9006050614.AA05560@somewhere>, aks@SOMEWHERE (Alan Stebbens) writes:
>Again, trying to make mh-e and Emacs Do The Right Thing, I've developed
>the following code which you may also find useful.

This prompted me to post the following code scraps.  I use them a lot
to cope with the comp.emacs mail repeater on a VM (groan) system,
which insists on munging the headers most (but not all!) of the time.
I have enhanced the mh-reply command to accept three more reply types,
and added reply templates to my ~/Mail that make the new response

Also, I have written a function that tries to pick up the sender's
address from the .signature of the replied-to message.  It could be
more clever than it is.  It doesn't grok multi-line to: fields, and it
should look further back in the message for the better address.  I
optimistically called it smart-address.el.  It needs additional hook
functions for rmail and vm.el (and rnews and gnus and jnews and ...).

Still wanted: little functions to "unwrap" net addresses.  I have in
mind the transformation: a%b.c.d@e.f.g => a@b.c.d.  Maybe also
a!b!c!d!u => u@d.uucp.  Or by steps: b!c!d!u@a.uucp => c!d!u@b.uucp,
etc.  Anyone done this (it isn't hard, just haven't gotten around to

/jr, nee John Robinson     Life did not take over the globe by combat,
jr@bbn.com or bbn!jr          but by networking -- Lynn Margulis
;;; add u option: generate usenet follow-up style with format file
;;; followcomps, which must be in user's ~/Mail directory, and o
;;; option: reply only to from: field, ignoring reply-to:, using
;;; onlycomps.

(defun mh-reply (prefix-provided msg)
  "Reply to a MESSAGE (default: displayed message).
If (optional) prefix argument provided, then include the message in the reply."
  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg (mh-get-msg-num t)))
  (let ((minibuffer-help-form
	 "from => Sender only\nto => Sender and primary recipients\ncc or all => Sender and all recipients\nusenet => Usenet-style followup to to: address\nonly from => Use From: field, ignoring reply-to"))
    (let ((reply-to (or mh-reply-default-reply-to
			(completing-read "Reply to whom: "
					 '(("from") ("to") ("cc") ("all") ("usenet") ("only from"))
	  (folder mh-current-folder)
	  (show-buffer mh-show-buffer)
	  (config (current-window-configuration)))
      (message "Composing a reply...")
      (cond ((or (equal reply-to "from") (equal reply-to ""))
	     (apply 'mh-exec-cmd "repl"
		    "-nodraftfolder" mh-current-folder
		    "-nocc" "all"
		    (if prefix-provided
			(list "-filter" "mhl.reply"))))
	    ((equal reply-to "to")
	     (apply 'mh-exec-cmd "repl"
		    "-nodraftfolder" mh-current-folder
		    "-cc" "to"
		    (if prefix-provided
			(list "-filter" "mhl.reply"))))
	    ((equal reply-to "usenet")
	     (apply 'mh-exec-cmd "repl"
		    "-form" "followcomps"
		    "-nodraftfolder" mh-current-folder
		    "-cc" "to"
		    (if prefix-provided
			(list "-filter" "mhl.reply"))))
	    ((equal reply-to "only from")
	     (apply 'mh-exec-cmd "repl"
		    "-form" "onlycomps"
		    "-nodraftfolder" mh-current-folder
		    "-nocc" "all"
		    (if prefix-provided
			(list "-filter" "mhl.reply"))))
	    ((or (equal reply-to "cc") (equal reply-to "all"))
	     (apply 'mh-exec-cmd "repl"
		    "-nodraftfolder" mh-current-folder
		    "-cc" "all" "-nocc" "me"
		    (if prefix-provided
			(list "-filter" "mhl.reply")))))

      (let ((draft (mh-read-draft "reply"
				  (mh-expand-file-name "reply" mh-user-path)
	(set-buffer-modified-p nil)

	(let ((to (mh-get-field "To:"))
	      (subject (mh-get-field "Subject:"))
	      (cc (mh-get-field "Cc:")))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (mh-goto-header-end 1)
	  (if (not prefix-provided)
	      (mh-display-msg msg folder))
	  (mh-add-msgs-to-seq msg 'answered t)
	  (message "Composing a reply...done")
	  (mh-compose-and-send-mail draft "" folder msg to subject cc
				    "-" "Replied:" config))))))

;; smart-address.el
;; Command for picking up an address from a signature of a replied-to
;; message and replave the address in the To: field therewith.

;; List of search patterns for extracting addresses from the
;; replied-to message.  Used in order until one hits.  Use grouping
;; operators to delimit what is actually the address.

(defvar smart-address-search-list
   "domain\\W*\\([^ 	([{<]+@[^] 	\n)}>]+\\)"
   "internet\\W*\\([^ 	([{<]+@[^] 	\n)}>]+\\)"
   "arpanet\\W*\\([^ 	([{<]+@[^] 	\n)}>]+\\)"
   "bitnet\\W*\\([^ 	([{<]+@[^] 	\n)}>]+\\)"
   "\\([^ 	\n([{<]+@[^] 	\n)}>]+\\)"
   "\\([^ 	\n([{<]+![^] 	\n)}>]+\\)")
  "List of search patterns for extracting an address from a signature.
Lists are used in order until one matches.  The  \\\\( and \\\\) in
the first match surround the address to pick up.")

;; Per-buffer variable for getting to buffer for replied-to message

(defvar smart-address-other-buffer nil
  "Function which returns the buffer holding the message this is a reply to")

(make-variable-buffer-local 'smart-address-other-buffer)

;; Set things up for gnews replies

(defun gnews-msg-buffer ()

(setq group-reply-hook '(lambda nil
			  (fset 'smart-address-other-buffer 

;; Set things up for mh-e replies

(defun mh-msg-buffer ()
  (and mh-sent-from-msg mh-sent-from-folder
	 (set-buffer mh-sent-from-folder)

(setq mh-letter-mode-hook '(lambda nil 
			     (fset 'smart-address-other-buffer

(defun smart-address-yank ()
  "Replace addressee with address from from signature of replied-to message.
Replace entire To: field.
Buffer local variable smart-address-other-buffer holds function to return
the name of the other buffer."
  (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer))
	(search-list smart-address-search-list)
	(search-result nil)
	(case-fold-search t)
	beg end)
    (set-buffer (funcall 'smart-address-other-buffer))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (re-search-backward "[^ 	\n]")
      (setq end (point))
      (re-search-backward "^[ 	\n]*$\\|^--$")
      (forward-line 1)
      (setq beg (point))
      (and (> end beg)
	   (while search-list
	     (goto-char beg)
	     (if (re-search-forward (car search-list) end t)
		 (setq search-result (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
		       search-list nil)
	       (setq search-list (cdr search-list))))))
    (set-buffer old-buffer)
    (if search-result
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (re-search-forward "^To:[ 	]*")
	  (setq end (point))
	  (re-search-forward "^To:[ 	]*")
	     (re-search-forward "\\(\\).*\\([ 	](.*)\\)" end t))
	     (re-search-forward "\\(.*<\\).*\\(>\\)" end t))
	   (re-search-forward "\\(\\).*\\(\\)$"))
	  (replace-match (concat "\\1" search-result "\\2")))
      (error "No better address found"))))
%<(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr To: )\n%>\
%<{fcc}Fcc: %{fcc}\n%>\
%<{subject}Subject: Re: %{subject}\n%>\
%(lit)%(formataddr %<{reply-to}%|%<{from}%|%{sender}%>%>)\
In-reply-to: %<{reply-to}%(putstr(friendly{reply-to}))\
%|In-reply-to: The%>\
 message of \
Organization: BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation, Cambridge MA
%<(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr To: )\n%>\
%<(nonnull)%(void(width))%(putaddr cc: )\n%>\
%<{fcc}Fcc: %{fcc}\n%>\
%<{subject}Subject: Re: %{subject}\n%>\
%<{date}In-reply-to: Your message of \
Organization: BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation, Cambridge MA
/jr, nee John Robinson     Life did not take over the globe by combat,
jr@bbn.com or bbn!jr          but by networking -- Lynn Margulis