[comp.emacs] Macro to make keymap help screens like that of help-for-help

lrs@indetech.COM (Lynn Slater) (06/06/90)

The macro below makes help for keymaps such as that used by help-for-help. i.e.
  nothing is displayed at first
  if a help character is hit, a single line is displayed
  if a help character is hit again, a screen is displayed
    the screen is scrolled as needed
  if a character from the map is hit, the corresponding command is executed.

This implimentation supports standard emacs as well as those who move their
help key off of C-h using the Baushke/Berlin/Slater mods.

I suggest that this be added to help.el

(require 'backquote)

(defvar help-character "\C-h")                   ;current command string
(defvar help-ch (string-to-char help-character)) ;1-byte, used in help-help lines

(defmacro make-help-screen (fname help-line help-text helped-map)
  "Constructs function FNAME that when invoked shows HELP-LINE and if a help character is requested, shows HELP-TEXT. The user is prompted for a character from the HELPED-MAP.
   To install the generaded fcn, bind the FNAME function to the help characters
in the HELPED-MAP.

  This operation is the same as used by help-for-help.
  This fcn supports the extended help character choices advocated by 
  Mark Baushke, Rich Berlin, and Lynn Slater"
  (` (defun (, fname) ()
	   (, help-text)
	   (let ((line-prompt
		  (substitute-command-keys (, help-line))))
	     (message line-prompt)
	     (let ((char (read-char)))
	       (if (or (= char ??) (= char help-ch))
		     (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Help*")
		     (insert (documentation (quote (, fname))))
		     (goto-char (point-min))
		     (while (memq char (cons help-ch '(?? ?\C-v ?\ ?\177 ?\M-v)))
		       (if (memq char '(?\C-v ?\ ))
		       (if (memq char '(?\177 ?\M-v))
		       (message "%s%s: "
				(if (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max))
				    "" " or Space to scroll"))
		       (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
			 (setq char (read-char))))))
	       (let ((defn (cdr (assq (downcase char) (, helped-map)))))
		 (if defn (call-interactively defn) (ding))))))

Example use:

(make-help-screen help-for-empire-redistribute-map
		  "f m p ?"
		  "You have discovered the empire tool redistribution commands
   From here, you can use the following options:

f, C-d	Redistribute food according to min and max desired levels
m, C-m	Redistribute military using levels given by ideal-mil fcn
p, C-p	Redistribute excess population to highways

Please use \\[describe-key] to find out more about any of these keys."

(define-key empire-shell-redistribute-map help-character 'help-for-empire-redistribute-map)

Lynn Slater -- lrs@indetech.com or {sun, ames, pacbell}!indetech!lrs
42075 Lawrence Place, Fremont Ca 94538
Office (415) 438-2048; Home (415) 793-1864; Fax (415) 438-2034