[comp.emacs] Thanks to all!

CAMPBELL@DUCVAX.AUBURN.EDU ("Ernest M. Campbell III") (07/15/90)

I just wanted to say 'thank you' to all of the people who have sent me 
examples of .emacs files.  I now have a good source to pull information from
(and now have a decent .emacs file of my own :).

Also, I've tried some of the ftp sites mentioned, and have found a lot of
useful things out there.  (I also got around to grabbing a new copy of the
ftp list...it's grown a lot since my last copy!)

Once again, thank you much!

Ernest M. Campbell III                 |"Strange things are afoot at the
BITNET:    campbell@auducvax           | Circle-K!"
InterNet:  campbell@ducvax.auburn.edu  |              -- Bill & Ted
or -- atdep@ducvax.auburn.edu          |"We'll be right back, after this word."
or -- miller@sun1.forestry.auburn.edu  |              -- Anonymous