[comp.emacs] little kill-region hack

acevedo@james-tiptree-jr.mit.edu (Gabriel) (08/29/90)

I don't know how many people are annoyed by this, but I imagine that
it's a significant amount. 

The scenario:
You are editing. Hitting keys really fast. Then all of a sudden
WHOOOSH!!! half your file disappears. "Ah, no problem" you think; but
you hit C-x u and get "No further undo information available"!!! Doing
C-h l reveals that you [once again] hit C-w accidentally. 

Thank God for auto-save!

Emacs has a kill limit of 8000 characters or so; kill a region larger
than that, and you get the "No more undo" business. The following little
modified version of `kill-region' simply checks to see the size of the
region you are killing; if it's larger than 7000, it does an auto-save.

(defun kill-region-safe (beg end)
  (interactive "*r")
  (if (< 7000 (- end beg))
  (copy-region-as-kill beg end)
  (delete-region beg end))

(define-key global-map "\C-w" 'kill-region-safe)

Very simple, but VERY useful. If you accidentally destroy your file, you
can just recover it right away with M-x recover-file. 

portuesi@tweezers.esd.sgi.com (Michael Portuesi) (08/29/90)

>>>>> On 29 Aug 90 05:27:30 GMT, acevedo@james-tiptree-jr.mit.edu (Gabriel) said:

> I don't know how many people are annoyed by this, but I imagine that
> it's a significant amount. 

> The scenario:
> You are editing. Hitting keys really fast. Then all of a sudden
> WHOOOSH!!! half your file disappears. "Ah, no problem" you think; but
> you hit C-x u and get "No further undo information available"!!! Doing
> C-h l reveals that you [once again] hit C-w accidentally. 

I've found that in situations like this, I've always been able to
recover the text that I've blown away because it's stored in the kill
ring.  Rotate the kill ring with M-y and you should get your text

\/  Michael Portuesi   Silicon Graphics, Inc.   portuesi@sgi.com

    "every now and then things become clear" -- jane siberry

gaynor@sparky.rutgers.edu (Silver) (08/30/90)

To summarize acevedo@james-tiptree-jr.mit.edu (Gabriel) article:
> [The perhaps too-convenient binding of kill-region often causes grief.  It is
> not uncommon to inadvertantly kill a region which is too large for undo to
> handle.  Fortunately the auto-save mechanism can be used to recover in this
> situation.  What follows is a version of kill-region which performs an
> aut-osave before killing regions which exceed undo's capabilities.]

RTFIN.  GNU Emacs's Info node on killing, Info -> Emacs -> Killing, explains
that kill commands save their text (as opposed to delete commands, which do
not).  The variable in which they save it is kill-ring.  Killed text is
prepended to the front of this list, knocking off the rearmost (oldest) element
if the length of kill-ring exceeds kill-ring-max.  Standard access to these
kills is provided by the yank and yank-pop functions.  See their documentation.

I feel that the auto-save mechanism is there more to protect you from yourself
(your own intentional changes) and system mishaps than from typos.  Although
the kill-region-safe you proposed is correct enough, it tends to get in the
way, no?, slowing down normal editing.  I regularly shuffle large portions of
text in large files, and the function you propose would keep me waiting with
all the saving and beat on the system.  And, as pointed out above, a standard
and convenient method for recovering killed text already exists.

What I find to be a much more serious problem is not the fact that kill-region
can kill arbitrarily large portions of text, but that it does so very, very
quietly.  Misstriking C-e and C-s is probably the most common circumstance.
However, the function is used too often and is too useful to cripple with a lot
of bells and whistles and confirmations like
(ding) (message "You have invoked kill-region.") (or (sit-for 1) (sleep-for 1))
(ding) (message "You have invoked KILL-REGION.") (or (sit-for 1) (sleep-for 1))
(ding) (message "You have invoked kill-region.") (or (sit-for 1) (sleep-for 1))
(ding) (message "You have invoked KILL-REGION.") (or (sit-for 1) (sleep-for 1))
(ding) (message "You have invoked kill-region.") (or (sit-for 1) (sleep-for 1))
(if (and (y-or-n-p "Kill region? ")
         (yes-or-no-p "Really kill region? ")
           "Doing so may expire the oldest kill.  Continue? ")
           "About to kill region; confirm? "))
  (kill-region begin end)
  (message "Better safe than sorry..."))

Instead, I propose the following.  Make kill-region print out the number of
characters killed.  This doesn't step on toes, but still lets you know that
you've killed something, and even provides a little useful information.  I
think I've posted this before, but what the hell...

Regards, [Ag]

(fset 'old-kill-region (symbol-function 'kill-region))

(defvar kill-region-silently nil
"If non-nil, kill-region silently kills text.  Otherwise, kill-region
pipes up with a brief message of the number of characters being killed.")

(defun kill-region (begin end &optional obey)
Kill between point and mark.
The text is deleted but saved in the kill ring.
The command C-y can retrieve it from there.
\(If you want to kill and then yank immediately, use ESC w.\)
When used interactively, the number of characters killed is displayed
 in a brief message if kill-region-silently is non-nil.

This is the primitive for programs to kill text \(as opposed to deleting it\).
Supply two arguments, character numbers indicating the stretch of text
 to be killed.
Optional third argument, if non-nil, means obey kill-region-silently even if
 non-interactively called.
Any command that calls this function is a \"kill command\".
If the previous command was also a kill command,
the text killed this time appends to the text killed last time
to make one entry in the kill ring."
  (interactive "r")
  (and (or (interactive-p) obey)
       (not kill-region-silently)
       (if (eq 1 (- end begin))
         (message "Killing %d character" (- end begin))
         (message "Killing %d characters" (- end begin))))
  (old-kill-region begin end))

bard@brigid.cs.cornell.edu (Bard Bloom) (08/30/90)

In article <Aug.> gaynor@sparky.rutgers.edu (Silver) writes:
>To summarize acevedo@james-tiptree-jr.mit.edu (Gabriel) article:
>> [The perhaps too-convenient binding of kill-region often causes grief.  It is
>> not uncommon to inadvertantly kill a region which is too large for undo to
>> handle.  Fortunately the auto-save mechanism can be used to recover in this
>> situation.  What follows is a version of kill-region which performs an
>> aut-osave before killing regions which exceed undo's capabilities.]
>What I find to be a much more serious problem is not the fact that kill-region
>can kill arbitrarily large portions of text, but that it does so very, very
>quietly.  Misstriking C-e and C-s is probably the most common circumstance.
>However, the function is used too often and is too useful to cripple with a lot
>of bells and whistles and confirmations like
> [[Ag] gives an amusing paranoid-kill-region function, and then
> a noisy one. ]

Here's wimpy-delete.el, which is my preferred cowardly kill-region.

;; wimpy-delete -- a cautious form of kill-region.
;; Copyright (C) Bard Bloom, June 1989
;; bard@theory.lcs.mit.edu

;; This file is not yet part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.


;; It's a variant of kill-region (c-w) which, if the region is too big
;; (default 100 characters), asks you if you really want to delete it.  The
;; prompt gives a couple words at each end, and tells you how big the region
;; is.

;; There's a related command, describe-region, which simply messages a few
;; words at each end of the region, and the total size.

(require 'cl)

(defvar wimpy-delete-size 100
   "kill-region-wimpy will ask if you want to delete more than 
this many characters.  Setting it to nil inhibits this feature altogether.")

(defvar wimpy-delete-dopey-message "Gosh, that was a narrow escape!"
  "Message that kill-region-wimpy prints when you tell it not to 
delete the region.")

(setq wimpy-delete-query-list
  '(((?y ?Y ?\  ?\r) kill     "Yes		" nil)
    ((?n ?N ?\C-?)   nil   "No		" nil)
    ((?c) copy "Copy region	" nil)
    ((?r)            (recursive-edit nil) "Recursive Edit	" nil)
    ((?a)            (keyboard-quit nil)  "Abort		" nil)

(defun kill-region-wimpy (beg end)
  "Like kill-region, this deletes the text between BEG and END, and stuffs it
in the kill ring.  (Interactively, uses the region.) 
However, it asks you if you really want to delete a large chunk of text.
  (interactive "*r")
  (let ((size (- end beg))
     ((and wimpy-delete-size 
           (> size wimpy-delete-size))
      (setq action
             (region-description (- (screen-width) 6) "Delete `"  "'?")
             "Delete the region?")))
     (t (setq action 'kill)))
    (case action
      (kill  (kill-region beg end))
      (copy  (copy-region-as-kill beg end)
             (message "I copied the region!"))
      (t     (message "%s" wimpy-delete-dopey-message)))))        

(defun copy-region-as-kill-wimpy (beg end)
  "Copy region into the kill-ring, and describe it as well."
  (interactive "r")
   "Taking %s"
   (region-description (- (screen-width) 8) nil nil beg end))
  (copy-region-as-kill beg end))

(defun describe-region ()
  "Gives a message briefly describing the text at the beginning and end 
of the region."
   "%s" (region-description (- (screen-width) 2))))

(defun absdiff (m n) (if (< m n) (- n m) (- m n)))

(defun region-description (width &optional prefix suffix begin end) 
  "Returns a string containing a one-line description of the region.
Required argument WIDTH tells how the string can be; there's a lower
limit of about 20 characters.
Optional arguments:
  PREFIX and SUFFIX are strings to tack on the ends of the message.
     They *do* count towards its length. Defaults: null strings both of them.
  BEGIN and END are the beginning and end of the region to use, if it's
     not the real region."
  (unless prefix (setq prefix ""))
  (unless suffix (setq suffix ""))
  (when (and begin (not end)) (setq end (point)))
    (psetq begin (min begin end)
           end   (max begin end)))
    (setq begin (min (point) (mark))
          end   (max (point) (mark)))))
;  (message "%d `%s' `%s' %d %d" width prefix suffix begin end)
   ((< (- end begin) (- width 2))
    (concat "\"" (buffer-substring begin end) "\""))
        ((chars-string (format "...<%d chars>..." (- end begin)))
          (+ (length prefix)
             (length suffix)
             (length chars-string)))
         (space-for-quote (/ (max 0 (- width space-for-messages)) 2))
         (beg-words (pick-some-words begin nil space-for-quote))
         (end-words (pick-some-words end   t   space-for-quote))
      (concat prefix beg-words chars-string end-words suffix)

(defun pick-some-words (pos direction limit)
  "Arguments  POS DIRECTION LIMIT.  Returns a string of 
at most LIMIT chars, with one end at POS.  It will try to fit as many words 
into the string as it can.  If it can't fit even one word, it will take 
LIMIT characters.  DIRECTION = nil for forward, t for backward."
    (goto-char pos)
    (let (p q)
      (if direction (backward-word 1) (forward-word 1))
      (if (> (absdiff (point) pos) limit)
          (buffer-substring pos (+ (if direction (- limit) limit) pos))
        (setq p (point) q t)
        (while (and q (not (eobp)) (not (bobp)))
          (if direction (backward-word 1) (forward-word 1))
          (if (<= (absdiff (point) pos) limit)
              (setq p (point))
            (goto-char p)
            (setq q nil)))
        (buffer-substring pos (point))))))


(defun one-char-question (question chars &optional help case-sensitive)
  "Ask user a question, expecting a one-character answer.
The question is a string QUESTION.  The answer must be one of 
CHARS, which is a list of lists of the form:
    ((a b .. d) result1 help1 confirm1)
    ((e f .. g) result2 help2 confirm2)
  result1 is a value for one-char-question to return if the user a or b or .. d.
    atoms are simply returned.
    If result1 is a list of the form (fun returnp) 
       then one-char-question calls fun with no arguments.
            (If it's a symbol, it calls its function)
       If returnp is true then one-char-question returns fun's value,
       Else one-char-question asks the question again.
  help1 is a string to print as the meaning of a, b, ... d
  confirm1 is t if an answer of a, b, ..., d should be confirmed
    via y-or-n-p.  

Special characters do special things (and cannot be overridden)
  ? prints a help screen
  c-r enters a recursive edit
  c-l refreshes the screen

Optional arguments:
HELP is inserted at the top of the help listing.
if CASE-SENSITIVE is true then the command is case sensitive.

    (let ((answered nil)
          answer should-confirm
      (while (not answered)
        (message "%s" question)
        (setq c (read-char))
        (unless case-sensitive (setq c (downcase c)))
         ((= c ?\C-r)
                (message "Entering a recursive edit...")
         ((= c ?\C-l)
         ((= c ??)
          (one-char-question-help question chars help))
            (setq char-analysis (one-char-question-answer c chars))
            (first char-analysis))
          (setq answered (second char-analysis)
                answer (third char-analysis)
                should-confirm (fourth char-analysis)
                help (fifth char-analysis)
         (t (beep)))
        ;; now confirm it (maybe)
        (when should-confirm
          (setq answered
                 (format "Really %s?" help)))))

(defun one-char-question-help (question chars help)
  (with-output-to-help-buffer (concat "*" question "*")
   (princ help)
   (dolist (x chars)
      (format "%s: %s\n"
              (third x)
              (mapconcat 'char-to-string (first x) ", ")

(defun one-char-question-answer (c chars)
  "Internal function for one-char-question.  Just keeping the form
of whilst violating the spirit.  Dont' ask what this does.  But if 
you must know, C is the character the user typed, 
CHARS is the chars argument ot one-char-question, and 
this thing returns:
  (let ((ocqa nil)
        result result-result
        (answered t)
    (dolist (x chars)
      (when (memq c (first x))
        (setq result (second x))
        (when (consp result)
          (setq result-result (funcall (if (symbolp (first result))
                                           (symbol-function (first result))
                                         (first result))))
          (if (second result)
              (setq result result-result)
            (setq answered nil)))
        (setq ocqa
               (fourth x)
               (third x)))

(defvar y-or-n-p-list
  '(((?y ?Y ?\  ?\r) t     "Yes		" nil)
    ((?n ?N ?\C-?)   nil   "No		" nil)
    ((?r)            (recursive-edit nil) "Recursive Edit	" nil)
    ((?a)            (keyboard-quit nil)  "Abort		" nil)
  "List to make one-char-question act like y-or-n-p")

;(one-char-question "Yes or no?" y-or-n-p-list "Stuff")

hallvard@IFI.UIO.NO (Hallvard B Furuseth) (08/31/90)

Good idea, but skip the interactive test.  When you use kill-word,
kill-word is called interactively but kill-region is not.

A kill-region-hook seems to be a good idea.  Then people can display a
message, or add querys, or whatever.  Put (or noninteractive ...) in the
hook; we don't want any bells and whistles in batch mode.

Load this and try (setq kill-region-hook 'kill-region-warning).

(defun kill-region (beg end)
  "Kill between point and mark.
The text is deleted but saved in the kill ring.
The command \\[yank] can retrieve it from there.
\(If you want to kill and then yank immediately, use \\[copy-region-as-kill].)

This is the primitive for programs to kill text (as opposed to deleting it).
Supply two arguments, character numbers indicating the stretch of text
 to be killed.
Any command that calls this function is a \"kill command\".
If the previous command was also a kill command,
the text killed this time appends to the text killed last time
to make one entry in the kill ring.

Calls kill-region-hook first, with variables beg and end specifying the region."
  (interactive "*r")
  (run-hooks 'kill-region-hook)
  (copy-region-as-kill beg end)
  (delete-region beg end))

(defun kill-region-warning ()
  "Used in kill-region-hook to display no of chars to be killed."
  (or noninteractive			; Silent in batch mode
      (message "Killing %d chars" (- end beg))))

Hallvard Furuseth

gaynor@sparky.rutgers.edu (Silver) (08/31/90)

> Good idea, but skip the interactive test.  When you use kill-word,
> kill-word is called interactively but kill-region is not.
This was the idea, to give kill-region some interactive feedback without
causing display flutter with all the functions that might use it.

> A kill-region-hook seems to be a good idea.  Then people can display a
> message, or add querys, or whatever.  Put (or noninteractive ...) in the
> hook; we don't want any bells and whistles in batch mode.
Yes, looks like the correct approach.  One thing, I had problems implementing a
querying hook without signalling an error.

(defun kill-region-query ()
  (and (> (- end beg) 100)
       (not (y-or-n-p (format "Region is %d characters.  Kill?" (- beg end))))
       (error "Aborted.")))

Seems a little tacky, but run-hooks doesn't give you a return value to play
with.  (Hmm, this message looks familiar; did I send you mail or something?)

Regards, [Ag]

macrakis@osf.fr (Stavros Macrakis) (09/04/90)

Undo presumably doesn't handle very large killed regions for reasons
of efficiency.  But strings with these regions' contents are created
for the kill ring; it might be possible to integrate the two
mechanisms....  (pointers from undo records to strings)

This is probably messy, though, for several reasons: 1) the kill ring
is managed in Lisp, while undo records are managed in C; 2) the
semantics of the kill ring are complicated (copy-as-kill, etc.).

Any volunteers to write the code?