[comp.emacs] Getting MicroEMACS 3.9 to run on an Amiga using Lattice C

drk@athena.mit.edu (David R Kohr) (08/11/90)

I have received a request from someone who doesn't have the capability
of posting articles to post the following request for help.  Please
send all replies to the address listed at the end of this posting
rather than sending them to me.  Here is the request for help:

> From: "M.A.N.I.A.C." <saint%deipd5.UNIPD.IT@mitvma.mit.edu>
> I have troubles porting MicroEMACS to Amiga using Lattice C with a
> release newer than the 3.0 one. It seems that the trouble is in the
> [[ fileio.c ]] file where the file I/O is performed.
> Problems come at runtime, when no character is readed or written (but
> new files are correctly created, and they remain empty and cannot be
> accessed again. I must admit that my experience with C on Amiga is
> poor. MicroEMACS was the right time to do it. But I said. Everithing
> goes well, except file I/O. Can someone help me ?
> I think that MicroEMACS 3.9 is the best editor (for Amiga) I saw.
 > /\           ___  /\
> /___/\_|_|\_|__|__/__ WHODAT SAYING HE'S GONNA
>   //--\| | \|  |    / BEAT THE SAINTS, WHODAT,
> \/                \/         WHODAT ?
> (for people in U.S.A. : Saints are the Padua (Italy) football team
> (yes football, NOT SOCCER!) and have gold pants, black shirt and white
> helmet)
> Ciao,
>                                         Gian Uberto Lauri
>                                         saint@deipd1.unipd.it
>                                         saint@deipd5.unipd.it

As I said above, plese do *not* send replies to this article to
me; I'm not the one with the problem.  Send replies to



David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)
David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)

drk@athena.mit.edu (David R Kohr) (08/27/90)

[I posted this article a little while ago, but have since heard
that the e-mail address of the person who asked me to post it has
changed, so I'm reposting.  If you tried to reply before but couldn't 
get through, please note the new reply address below.]

I have received a request from someone who doesn't have the capability
of posting articles to post the following request for help.  Please
send all replies to the address listed at the end of this posting
rather than sending them to me.  Here is the request for help:

> From: "M.A.N.I.A.C." <saint%deipd1.UNIPD.IT@mitvma.mit.edu>
> I have troubles porting MicroEMACS to Amiga using Lattice C with a
> release newer than the 3.0 one. It seems that the trouble is in the
> [[ fileio.c ]] file where the file I/O is performed.
> Problems come at runtime, when no character is readed or written (but
> new files are correctly created, and they remain empty and cannot be
> accessed again. I must admit that my experience with C on Amiga is
> poor. MicroEMACS was the right time to do it. But I said. Everithing
> goes well, except file I/O. Can someone help me ?
> I think that MicroEMACS 3.9 is the best editor (for Amiga) I saw.
 > /\           ___  /\
> /___/\_|_|\_|__|__/__ WHODAT SAYING HE'S GONNA
>   //--\| | \|  |    / BEAT THE SAINTS, WHODAT,
> \/                \/         WHODAT ?
> (for people in U.S.A. : Saints are the Padua (Italy) football team
> (yes football, NOT SOCCER!) and have gold pants, black shirt and white
> helmet)
> Ciao,
>                                         Gian Uberto Lauri
>                                         saint@deipd1.unipd.it

As I said above, plese do *not* send replies to this article to
me; I'm not the one with the problem.  Send replies to



David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)
David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)

drk@athena.mit.edu (David R Kohr) (09/12/90)

[I posted this article twice before in the past few weeks, but have
been told that the e-mail address of the person who asked me to post it 
has changed once again, so I'm reposting it.  If you tried to reply before
to this person but couldn't get through, please note the new reply address 

I have been asked by someone who doesn't have the capability of posting 
articles to forward the following request for help.  Please send all replies 
to the address listed at the end, rather than sending them to me.  Here is 
the request:

> From: "M.A.N.I.A.C." <saint%alessia.dei.UNIPD.IT@mitvma.mit.edu>
> I have troubles porting MicroEMACS to Amiga using Lattice C with a
> release newer than the 3.0 one. It seems that the trouble is in the
> [[ fileio.c ]] file where the file I/O is performed.
> Problems come at runtime, when no character is readed or written (but
> new files are correctly created, and they remain empty and cannot be
> accessed again. I must admit that my experience with C on Amiga is
> poor. MicroEMACS was the right time to do it. But I said. Everithing
> goes well, except file I/O. Can someone help me ?
> I think that MicroEMACS 3.9 is the best editor (for Amiga) I saw.
 > /\           ___  /\
> /___/\_|_|\_|__|__/__ WHODAT SAYING HE'S GONNA
>   //--\| | \|  |    / BEAT THE SAINTS, WHODAT,
> \/                \/         WHODAT ?
> (for people in U.S.A. : Saints are the Padua (Italy) football team
> (yes football, NOT SOCCER!) and have gold pants, black shirt and white
> helmet)
> Ciao,
>                                         Gian Uberto Lauri
>                                         saint@alessia.dei.unipd.it

As I said above, plese do *not* send replies to this article to me; I'm 
not the one with the problem.  Send replies to



David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)
David R. Kohr     M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory      Group 45 ("Radars 'R' Us")
    email:    DRK@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (preferred)  or  KOHR@LL.LL.MIT.EDU
    phone:    (617)981-0775 (work)	      or  (617)527-3908 (home)