[comp.emacs] Emacs 18.55 build on AIX PS/2 1.1

vlcek@mit-caf.MIT.EDU (Jim Vlcek) (09/13/90)

I just installed 18.55 on our PS/2 Model 80 running AIX 1.1, and was
actually suprised at how easily everything went.  The hardest thing,
actually, was finding enough disk space to do the build.  To save
space, I left out some of the lisp/*.el and lisp/*.elc files; stuff
like doctor, rnews, and rmail that one could live without.

The one problem I encountered in the build/install process that I
couldn't solve was that the command "./temacs -batch -l inc-vers" in
the file dist/src/xmakefile kept blowing up with exit status -1.  I
finally commented the line out, and got emacs up and running, at the
cost only of having a slightly-messed-up version number.  Anyone have
any idea why this particular (and rather innocuous) line wouldn't
execute properly?  All it does is modify some data in the file
"version.el"; I don't think that the omission of any of the other .el
files could have affected this.  (Obviously, I didn't omit
version.el!)  Any ideas?

Jim Vlcek  (vlcek@caf.mit.edu  vlcek@athena.mit.edu)