A paper explaining all of the calendrical calculations done in the GNU Emacs calendar/diary package has now appeared: ``Calendrical Calculations'' by Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold, Software---Practice & Experience, vol. 20, no. 9 (September, 1990), pp. 899--928. To obtain a HARD COPY of this paper, send email to with the subject containing the phrase ``send-paper-cal'' (no quotes), and the message body containing your complete mailing address. To obtain an electronic copy of Common Lisp functions in this paper, send email to with the subject containing the phrase ``send-cal'' (no quotes), and a null message body. To obtain the Emacs-Lisp calendar/diary package, send email to with the subject containing the phrase ``send-emacs-cal'' (no quotes), and a null message body. I am now in the process of fixing a few small problems and adding a few minor improvements to the Emacs-Lisp version, so please send comments, bug reports, and suggestions to me as soon as possible.