[comp.emacs] How do I tell freemacs my screen size?

E.Ireland@massey.ac.nz (Evan Ireland) (10/08/90)


Is it possible to tell freemacs about non-standard screen sizes, other
than 43 and 58 line EGA modes?

I have a Commodore PC40 (IBM AT compatible) with an AGA card.  This
card has a 44x132 screen mode that I would like to be able to use with

I know it isn't too difficult to use this extra screen space, as
MS-DOS uses it, and I also have a DOS version of the MG editor which I
have modified to use it (since I have the source code).  I am,
however, not familiar with the inner workings of freemacs, so I would
appreciate any assistance in this matter.

Yes, I could just use MG, but freemacs is faster for most things
(except incremental search), and I don't often want to edit files
larger than 64K (which MG can do).

Please reply from email, as I don't always read this group.

				  Evan Ireland (E.Ireland@massey.ac.nz),
School of Information Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, NZ.

nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Russ Nelson) (10/08/90)

In article <410sis-b@massey.ac.nz> E.Ireland@massey.ac.nz (Evan Ireland) writes:

   Is it possible to tell freemacs about non-standard screen sizes, other
   than 43 and 58 line EGA modes?

In theory at least, it shouldn't be necessary.  Freemacs reads the EGA bios
to determine the screen size, then it uses the entire screen.

   I have a Commodore PC40 (IBM AT compatible) with an AGA card.  This
   card has a 44x132 screen mode that I would like to be able to use with

"AGA" card?  Never heard of it.  However, if it's compatible with the
EGA bios, then you should be able to put the card into the 44x132
mode, and Freemacs will use it.

Or, if you're always going to use 44x132 mode, then put the card into that mode
and set the screen size accordingly:

;	do magic stuff to put AGA card into 44x132 mode

	mov	screen_columns,132
	mov	al,44
	sub	al,2			;leave room for a status and minibuffer line.
	mov	max_screen_line,al


--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])  Russ.Nelson@$315.268.6667
It's better to get mugged than to live a life of fear -- Freeman Dyson