v087mxgb@ubvmsa.cc.buffalo.edu (Shawn E Thompson) (10/23/90)
(my Postscript printer died yesterday and I just received the new version). What are the major improvements I can expect over 3.6??? (specifically, 10e is a 180K .EXE file and 3.6 is a 38K COM file - WHY???) How can I "bind" function keys and what is the .RC file al about??? Please respond soon, I am anxious to become productive with my new software (remember the movie 'The Jerk' when Steve Martin jumps around "...the new phonebooks are here!... the new phonebooks are here !...", well that was me the day Paul Amaranth sent me version 10e. Shawn Thompson V087MXGB@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (Grad School of Mechanical Engineering) Leica, INcnc. PO Box 123 Buffalo, NY 14240-0123 (716) 891-3375