(HIM) (11/08/90)
Maybe when I get Epoch running this will not be a problem, but for now ... 1) I run emacs on a Sun IPC in a "cmd-tool" window, I need a emacs/lisp/term/sun-cmd.el file so that all the nifty keys work. I tried vt100 , and sun ... they aren't correct .. help ! ? 2) I need "C++" mode like the "C" one, it gets confused with "//" style comments. ========[ Xanadu Enterprises Inc. Amiga & Unix Software Development]======= =Also the mantra and spells, the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand= =and the work of the sword: these shall he learn and teach. = = He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals. = =========== Ken Jamieson: uunet!!tron1 =================== = NONE of the opinions represented here are endorsed by either = = Xanadu Enterpises or its clients, AT&T Bell Labs or others. = === The Romantic Encounters BBS 201-759-8450(PEP) / 201-759-8568(2400) ====