[comp.emacs] turning off flow control on VMS with PC emulating vt220/320

7240redmon%ccfb.decnet@INDINPLS.NAVY.MIL ("CCFB::7240REDMON") (01/05/91)

I would like to use my C-s/C-q in emacs without having to remap the keys
to something like C-^/C-\ .  I can turn off the flow control on my terminal
emulators (kermit, vterm), but still cannot get VMS to ignore flow control.
I also tried using (set-input-mode nil t)  no luck.

All I had to do on a graphon terminal that emulated a was turn off the flow
control from the setup screen, but that was at another site and it wasn't

Have other people on VAX/VMS systems been able to use the C-s/C-q bindings on
their PC terminals?  

Since, I was able to C-s/C-q at another site on a VAX, that the problem 
might be with the DECserver or my PC's bios?  Could this be the problem?


Scott Redmon                     7240redmon@indinpls.navy.mil
Naval Avionics Center                Indianapolis, IN                


  With regards to turning off flow control when using a PC to connect
  to a VAX/VMS system...

We use PC with MS-Kermit to connect to our VAX/VMS system.  We too would
rather not remap the C-s/C-q keys.  Our async lines come into the system
via DECServers and DECSAs (*really* old Dec terminal servers).  The best
solution we found was to use a command file (EMACS.COM) to invoke
(or reattach to an existing) Emacs.   Inside the com file we set the
terminal to PASSALL mode.  And upon leaving Emacs, you return to the
com file whereby it sets the terminal back to interactive mode
(NOPASSALL).   This seems to work and kermit seems capable of keeping
the screen updated without the need of C-s or C-q.  I should mention
that we don't alter the terminal server's settings, which still have
flow control set (so non emacs users are still happy with us).  I haven't
tried speeds higher than 9600 baud so I don't know if kermit can keep
up at higher speeds.

This isn't ideal, but it gets up by....

Carl Fussell
Santa Clara Universtiy
Santa Clara, CA