[comp.emacs] C-mode with C++ comments?

morgan@CHAOS.CS.BRANDEIS.EDU ("Dylan Kaufman") (01/27/91)

I have been using C++ on my PC, and have become attached to the //
comments.  They make it very easy to make short notes and I find they
are a lot easier for such than doing /* at the beginning and */ at the
end.  I have written a small function in emacs lisp that will go
through the whole file and change each // to a /* and put a closing
comment marker at the end of the line.  

Does anyone know of or feel like writing a patch to the C-mode
function so that if you press return on a line with // in it it will
change that to a /* and complete the comment?

Dylan Kaufman 			Major in Computer Science
morgan@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu	Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
And on the seventh day, even He rested.  We don't.
				-Emergency Medical Services

kayvan@APPLE.COM (Kayvan Sylvan) (02/11/91)

Is anyone else but me seeing really old mail that was sent weeks ago
to help-gnu-emacs again?


| Kayvan Sylvan       Unix/C, GNU tools   879 Lewiston Drive   408-978-1407  |
| Sylvan Associates   GUIs, Databases     San Jose, CA 95136  Think Globally |
|                     Networking, X       apple!satyr!kayvan   Act Locally   |
| === Currently looking for contracts === Hire me now! Avoid the rush! ===   |