[comp.emacs] Starting up in auto-fill mode?

allen@NERD.SSC.GOV (Mike Allen) (03/08/91)

>>>>> On 7 Mar 91 21:28:32 GMT, claude@jupiter.ucsc.edu  (Claude Noshpitz) said:

Claude> Emacs seems to look for a file extension to decide on what mode to use.
Claude> What happens if there's no extension?
Claude> I know, RTFM, but I don't really have the time to wade...
Claude> Anyway, thanks for the help!!!

emacs has at least two ways of deciding which mode to use:
1) by file extension, as in:
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.hxx$" . c++-mode) auto-mode-alist))

2) by local variables in the file, as in:
;;; Local Variables: ***
;;; eval: (outline-mode) ***
;;; End: ***


			   Michael E. Allen
			    Mail Stop 1046
			    SSC Laboratory
			2550 Beckleymeade Ave.
			   Dallas, TX 75237

al tadin et khaverkha 'ad shetagi'a limkomo
			-Ethics of the Fathers
Do not judge your fellow man until you have come to his place.