[comp.emacs] wy50.el; summary

goer@quads.uchicago.edu (Richard L. Goerwitz) (03/10/91)

I received several helpful responses in my search for a decent and full
wy50.el file.  Here's a "summary" in the form of a wy50.el file which I
pieced together.  I confess to considerable ignorance about the internals
of emacs.


; WY50.EL
; This file sets up wy50 function keys and also various editing keys,
; such as Prev/Next PAGE, Home, Line/Char INS, Line/Char DEL,
; Scrn/Line CLR, and Ins/Repl.  The editing keys do pretty much what
; their names imply.  The function keys are set up pretty logically.
; F1 is help.  F2 is switch-to-buffer, F3 other-window, F4 set-mark,
; F5 mark-word, F6 mark-sentence, F7 mark-paragraph, F8 mark-whole-
; buffer.  F9 is forward-word, F10 forward-sentence, F11 forward-para-
; graph, F12 end-of-buffer.  F13 is isearch-forward-regexp, F14 query-
; replace-regexp.  F15 is goto-line.  F16 is 80-column-mode.  Note
; that shifting the function keys normally gets you a related
; function.  For example, F6 is mark-sentence.  Shift-F6 is
; kill-sentence.  F9 is forward-word.  Shift-F6 is backward-word.  F13
; is isearch-forward-regexp, and shift-F13 is isarch-backward-regexp.
; Note that F16/shift-F16 toggle you in and out of 132-column mode.
; The arrow keys work as expected.
; I assembled this file rather haphazardly out of several that were
; sent to me, including Lynn Slater's wy50.el file, and one written by
; Ph. Baque.  Probably any inelegant code you find here was written by
; me :-).
; -Richard Goerwitz (goer@sophist.uchicago.edu)
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.
;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

(defun start-up-emacs-wyse ()
  (global-unset-key "\C-H")
  (aset global-map 8 'backward-char) ; make ^H work like left arrow
  (aset esc-map 63 'help-command)    ; make ESC-? work like ^H used to
  (setq-default term-setup-hook 'after-the-beginning)
  (setq-default kill-emacs-hook 'this-is-the-end)


(defvar UP-ARROW    "\C-k") (global-set-key UP-ARROW    'previous-line)
(defvar DOWN-ARROW  "\C-J") (global-set-key DOWN-ARROW  'next-line) ;  LFD
(defvar RIGHT-ARROW "\C-l") (global-set-key RIGHT-ARROW  'forward-char)
(defvar LEFT-ARROW  "\C-H") (global-set-key LEFT-ARROW  'backward-char)
(defvar PREV-PAGE   "\M-K") (global-set-key PREV-PAGE  'scroll-up)
(defvar NEXT-PAGE   "\M-J") (global-set-key NEXT-PAGE  'scroll-down)
(defvar LINE-INS    "\M-E") (global-set-key LINE-INS   'open-line)
(defvar LINE-DEL    "\M-R") (global-set-key LINE-DEL   'kill-line)
(defvar CHAR-INS    "\M-Q") (global-set-key CHAR-INS   'insert-space)
(defvar CHAR-DEL    "\M-W") (global-set-key CHAR-DEL   'delete-char)
(defvar CLR-LINE    "\M-T") (global-set-key CLR-LINE   'kill-line)
(defvar CLR-SCRN    "\M-Y") (global-set-key CLR-SCRN   'recenter)
(defvar INS         "\M-q") (global-set-key INS        'overwrite-off) 
(defvar REPL        "\M-r") (global-set-key REPL       'overwrite-on)
(defvar HOME        "\C-^") (global-set-key HOME       'beginning-of-line)

(defun function-key-not-defined ()
  "Used to display a message about a function key not being defined."
  (message "Function key not defined."))

(defun prev-complex-command ()
  "Select Previous-complex-command"
  (if (zerop (minibuffer-depth))
      (repeat-complex-command 1)
    (previous-complex-command 1)))

(defun rerun-prev-command ()
  "Repeat Previous-complex-command."
  (eval (nth 0 command-history)))

;;; user should (setq wy50-esc-bracket nil) in ~/.emacs to preserve
;;; old keybindings
(defvar wy50-esc-bracket t
  "If non-nil (the default) the former binding of esc-[ is replaced
   and esc-[ becomes the prefix character for wy50 function keys.")

(defvar wy50-setup-softkeys t
  "If non-nil (the default) special control sequences are sent to the wy50
   to define the softkeys to emacs-compatable meanings.")

(defvar wy50-raw-map (make-sparse-keymap)
  "*Keymap for ESC-[ encoded wy50 softkeys")

(defun wy50-softkey (number &optional shiftedp)
  "Returns the special unique key associated with the requested
   shifted or unshifted softkey.  For lack of any better binding,
   the values are taken from the wy50 manual, page 4-8."
  (let ((index (if shiftedp (+ 16 number) number)))
    (substring  "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO`abcdefghijklmno" (1- index) index)))

(defun wy50-init-softkeys ()
  "Initiliazes the wy50 softkeys for emacs bindings."
  (let ((i 0)
    (setq wy50-esc-bracket t);; must be there or why bother
    (while (< i 32)
      (setq char (aref "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO`abcdefghijklmno" i))
      (send-string-to-terminal (format "z%c[%c" char char))
      (setq i (1+ i)))))

(if wy50-setup-softkeys (wy50-init-softkeys))

(if wy50-esc-bracket
      (define-key esc-map "[" wy50-raw-map) ; Install wy50-raw-map
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 1)    'help-for-help) 
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 1 t)  'Helper-help)
      ;; note: control softkey1 also sets the mark by fortunate chance
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 2)    'switch-to-buffer)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 2 t)  'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 3)    'other-window)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 3 t)  'find-file-other-window)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 4)    'set-mark-command)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 4 t)  'exchange-point-and-mark)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 5)    'mark-word) 
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 5 t)  'kill-word)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 6)    'mark-this-sentence)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 6 t)  'kill-sentence)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 7)    'mark-paragraph)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 7 t)  'kill-paragraph)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 8)    'mark-whole-buffer)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 8 t)  'kill-buffer)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 9)    'forward-word)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 9 t)  'backward-word)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 10)   'forward-sentence)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 10 t) 'backward-sentence)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 11)   'forward-paragraph)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 11 t) 'backward-paragraph)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 12)   'end-of-buffer)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 12 t) 'beginning-of-buffer)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 13)   'isearch-forward-regexp)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 13 t) 'isearch-backward-regexp)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 14)   'query-replace-regexp)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 14 t) 'query-replace-regexp)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 15)   'goto-line)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 15 t) 'what-line)
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 16)   'set-80-column-mode) 
      (define-key wy50-raw-map (wy50-softkey 16 t) 'set-132-column-mode)

;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
;;; for you to put your own bindings in.
(defvar wy50-softkey-hooks nil
  "List of forms to evaluate after setting up the wy50 softkeys.")

(let ((hooks wy50-softkey-hooks))
  (while hooks
    (eval (car hooks))
    (setq hooks (cdr hooks))
(defun after-the-beginning ()
;  (message-inverse)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun this-is-the-end ()
  (send-string-to-terminal "\e*")   ;;
;  (send-string-to-terminal "\eA30") ;;
  (send-string-to-terminal "\e`:")  ;; passage systematique en 80 colonnes
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun mark-this-sentence ()
  "Put point at beginning of sentence, mark at end."
  (set-mark-command nil)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun insert-space () (interactive) 
"Insert a space. It is useful in OverWrite-mode"
  (insert-string " "))
(defun overwrite-on  () (interactive)
  "Put Emacs in OverWrite mode, in this mode you replace any character
you type. "
  (overwrite-mode 1))
; -----------------------
(defun overwrite-off ()
  "Put Emacs in (natural) Insert mode, in this mode you insert any
character typed."
  (interactive) (overwrite-mode -1))
(defun wyse-width-132 () (send-string-to-terminal "\e`;"))
(defun wyse-width-80 () (send-string-to-terminal "\e`:") )
(defun message-normal () (send-string-to-terminal "\eA30"))
(defun message-inverse () (send-string-to-terminal "\eA34"))
(defun message-souligne () (send-string-to-terminal "\eA38"))
(defun set-80-column-mode () (interactive)
  "Set 80 column mode ..."
;  (message-souligne)
  (set-screen-width 79)
(defun set-132-column-mode () (interactive)
  "Set 132 column mode ..."
;  (message-souligne)
  (set-screen-width 131)
(defun label-wyse-erase ()
  "clear label field"
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez0
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez1
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez2
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez3
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez4
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez5
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez6
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez7
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez8
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez9
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez:
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez;
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez<
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez=
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez>
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez?
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezP
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezQ
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezR
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezS
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezT
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezU
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezV
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezW
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezX
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezY
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ezZ
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez[
;  (send-string-to-terminal (concat "\ez" ?\ "
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez]
;  (send-string-to-terminal (concat "\ez" ?^ "
  (send-string-to-terminal "\ez_