[comp.emacs] Using the mouse in emacs

maechler@BREEZE.BELLCORE.COM (Martin Maechler) (04/04/91)

1) You should get Emacs 18.57; it has quite few  X11-problems fixed.
2) (provide 'x-mouse)  does NOT say that a function  M-x x-mouse is defined !
   It rather makes sure that other packages with (require 'x-mouse) don't have
   to load  x-mouse.el one more time.	

Your main problem:

3) X-stuff in emacs only works when emacs starts up its own X-window.
   NOT when emacs starts up in your xterm !

   To make this work:
	Replace <local-host> by what you get from the command
	hostname   on your LOCAL machine.
	<emacs-host> by what you get from hostname on the machine that
	runs emacs.
	If both are the same, only step 1. below is necessary.
	1. The  DISPLAY environment variable has to be set properly
	   (k)sh:  DISPLAY=<local-host>:0.0; export DISPLAY	(usually)
	   csh:  setenv DISPLAY=<local-host>:0.0		(usually)
	2. The host that runs emacs must have permission to create an X window
	   on your screen:
		xhost <emacs-host>	


jc@RAVEN.BU.EDU (James Cameron) (04/05/91)

 >>>>> On Thu, 4 Apr 91 09:46:39 -0500, maechler@breeze.bellcore.com (Martin Maechler) said:
MM> 1) You should get Emacs 18.57; it has quite few  X11-problems fixed.
MM> 2) (provide 'x-mouse)  does NOT say that a function  M-x x-mouse is defined !
MM>    It rather makes sure that other packages with (require 'x-mouse) don't have
MM>    to load  x-mouse.el one more time.	
MM> Your main problem:
MM> 3) X-stuff in emacs only works when emacs starts up its own X-window.
MM>    NOT when emacs starts up in your xterm !

[...Deleted xhost and display stuff...]

You see, emacs *was* compiled with Have-X or whatever the variable was and
it *does* already pop up with the new window.  That is not my problem.
My problem is the actual mouse packages which I think are don't have the
hooks for them to work in my .emacs files.

 MM> Martin