[comp.emacs] reading news with emacs [valuable tip enclosed

Dan_Jacobson@ATT.COM (05/31/91)

>>>>> On 29 May 91 20:48:50 GMT, croten@ltpsun.gsfc.nasa.gov (Charles D. Roten) said:

Charles>     Here is a summary of the format for an 'rn' kill file,


Charles goes on to mention how to make your $EDITOR emacs.  Charles
fails to mention, however, how you can read netnews inside GNU Emacs,
see newsgroup gnu.emacs.gnus.  With GNUS and SuperCite, you can e.g.,
be the baaadest poster around with your nifty citations as
demonstrated above ("Charles>"), you can batch KILL while you sleep,
you can get set up and read news on abandoned machines lying around
the lab in minutes, with no help from authoritarian figures required
(NNTP access to server necessary, however) etc. etc.

[Disclaimer: I've never tried nn.]

gnus (3.13)	  90-03-01
     Masanobu UMEADA, <umerin@mse.kyutech.ac.jp>
     Net News Reader, Rn + vn with NNTP.
supercite (2.1)	  90-08-02
     Barry A. Warsaw, <warsaw@cme.nist.gov>
     Mail citation package (2 shar files)

[GNU Emacs itself is available on prep.ai.mit.edu via FTP]