[comp.emacs] loadst / wakeup naive question

jdb@arp.anu.edu.au (John Barlow) (06/17/91)

I have upgraded the emacs we run on our system from 18.55 to 18.57(.5)
Some hacks on our system no longer work.  One of them involved a change
to time.el.  The problem seems to stem from a call to "loadst", which used
to exist in the etc directory of emacs - now it appears "wakeup" is in
its place, but wakeup doesn't do anything like what "loadst" used to do
(time, date, machine usage, etc).

As I am new to emacs, I would like someone to "fill me in" on the background
information pertinent to loadst and wakeup, like what loadst did vs. why it
was deleted (yes, I read the little bit in the changelog by rms@mole.ai.mit.edu)

many thanks.
jdb = John Barlow, Parallel Computing Research Facility,
Australian National University, I-Block, PO Box 4, Canberra, 2601, Australia.
email = jdb@arp.anu.edu.au
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