JLS2013%TNTECH.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU ("Joel L. Seber ... CH210") (06/19/91)
I am running 4.1.1 on Sparcstation 1s, and just recently
installed Emacs 18.57 from scratch (except keeping our original
defaults.el file) and had absolutely no trouble. If you are
trying to rebuild an older Emacs, I would abandon that effort
if at all possible. 18.57 seems very stable.
Hope this helps,
Joel L. Seber | Dry humor is wasted around here.
SUN Workstation Laboratory Manager |
Center for Manufacturing Research | -Joel L. Seber
and Technology Utilization |
Tennessee Technological University |
Cookeville, TN 38505 |
jls2013@tntech.bitnet |