[comp.bugs.2bsd] ftpd can't restart above 32kb

sms@wlv.imsd.contel.com (Steven M. Schultz) (11/20/89)

Subject: RESTart in ftpd fails above 32k
Index:	etc/ftpd/ftpcmd.y 2.10BSD

	Attempting to RESTart a file transfer when the remote daemon
	is running on a machine where "sizeof (int) != sizeof (long)"
	fails when the offset/restartpoint is above 32767.

	The problem is (yet another *sigh *) long vs. int one.
	One would think that "sizeof (int) != sizeof (long)"  would
	be a more widely know fact, but alas not.

	The RESTart offset should be treated as a string and converted
	via atol() when needed.  In fact, the "long atol()" declaration
	was present in ftpcmd.y - but the function was never called.

	Connect to a ftp servor on a machine (likely a pdp-11) where
	"sizeof (int) != sizeof (long)" and do a "reget file" where
	the starting point would be > 32767.  Observe the error message
	and the mangled number (result of sign extending a short to a

	Apply the following patch to ftpcmd.y, recompile and install.

*** ftpcmd.y.old	Wed May 10 14:13:13 1989
--- ftpcmd.y	Sun Nov 19 17:52:30 1989
*** 488,499 ****
! 	|	REST SP byte_size CRLF
  		= {
  			long atol();
  			fromname = (char *) 0;
! 			restart_point = $3;
  			reply(350, "Restarting at %ld. %s", restart_point,
  			    "Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.");
--- 488,499 ----
  		= {
  			long atol();
  			fromname = (char *) 0;
! 			restart_point = atol($3);
  			reply(350, "Restarting at %ld. %s", restart_point,
  			    "Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.");
*** 712,718 ****
  	{ "MRSQ", MRSQ, OSTR, 0,	"(mail recipient scheme question)" },
  	{ "MRCP", MRCP, STR1, 0,	"(mail recipient)" },
  	{ "ALLO", ALLO, ARGS, 1,	"allocate storage (vacuously)" },
! 	{ "REST", REST, ARGS, 1,	"(restart command)" },
  	{ "RNFR", RNFR, STR1, 1,	"<sp> file-name" },
  	{ "RNTO", RNTO, STR1, 1,	"<sp> file-name" },
  	{ "ABOR", ABOR, ARGS, 1,	"(abort operation)" },
--- 712,718 ----
  	{ "MRSQ", MRSQ, OSTR, 0,	"(mail recipient scheme question)" },
  	{ "MRCP", MRCP, STR1, 0,	"(mail recipient)" },
  	{ "ALLO", ALLO, ARGS, 1,	"allocate storage (vacuously)" },
! 	{ "REST", REST, STR1, 1,	"(restart command)" },
  	{ "RNFR", RNFR, STR1, 1,	"<sp> file-name" },
  	{ "RNTO", RNTO, STR1, 1,	"<sp> file-name" },
  	{ "ABOR", ABOR, ARGS, 1,	"(abort operation)" },