[comp.bugs.sys5] "MUSH" make problem

dbd@urartu.UUCP (David Davidian) (06/14/88)

I recently received a copy of the "mush" mailer. (Mail Users Shell version 5.6)
After doing the local modifications and setting for SystemV environment I 
found the following during the process of executing the make, 
it erred as follows:

"./mush.h" line 230:syntax error
"./mush.h" line 230:cannot recover from earlier error: goodby
*** Error code 1

I have an AT&T Unix pc 3B1, running Rel

Has anyone seen this before, or know what's going on. 
Line 230 has a ?_long, which appears to be defined, but it also seems
that this could be the source of the problem.

Any help?	Thanks

S.D.P.A                     |                              | Justice for all
Center for Regional Studies | dbd@urartu.UUCP              | victims of 20th
P.O. Box 2761               | ...harvard!necntc!urartu!dbd | century genocide.
Cambridge, MA 02238         |                              |