[comp.bugs.sys5] lex bug ?

michi@anvil.oz (Michael Henning) (03/31/89)

I came across the following today. The problems show up both under AIX and
Xenix. Could anyone please enlighten me as to whether these are real bugs
or am I just overlooking something ?

Problem 1:

The following lex input file recognizes comments as a '*' at the beginning
of a line followed by any number of characters to the end of the line:

^\*.*$	printf("comment: %s\n", yytext);

If the file is changed to

comment	^\*.*$
{comment}	printf("comment: %s\n", yytext);

then comments are no longer recognised.

Problem 2:

The following lex input file is supposed to recognize empty lines.

{empty_line}	^$
{empty_line}	printf("empty line\n");

The program compiles, but does not recognize empty lines. If the program
is changed to

^$	printf("empty line\n");

then lex reports a syntax error on line 2.

Any help on these would be greatly appreciated, I have not used lex before,
and the documentation is somewhat terse in places...

               | The opinions expressed are my own, not those of my employer. |
               |                                                              |
               | Michael (Michi) Henning                                      |
               | - We have three Michaels here, that's why they call me Michi |