[comp.bugs.misc] Modemcap is MORE versatile

lyndon@ncc.UUCP (12/26/86)

In article <432@iscuva.UUCP>, davids@iscuva.UUCP (David Schmidt) writes:
>                      [...]                  Our Convergent Technologies
> Mightyframe has a termcap-like "modemcap" file which is MUCH more
> versatile than DEC's ACUCAP.

Modemcap has to be the worst hack in existance! How the hell do you
"program" the ACU in a "language" that only allows forward branching
(no lables of course)? YuK!

The termcap routines are great for curses (and even printers), but someone
got a bit carried away... The dial(3) replacement routines posted to
mod.sources a while ago are about the most elegant solution to this messy
problem that I've seen to date. (Are you listening Convergent?).
Lyndon Nerenberg (VE6BBM)      Systems Group - A Div. of Nexus Computing Corp.  

UUCP: {ihnp4,ubc-vision,watmath}!alberta!ncc!lyndon  BITNET: USERCHNL@UALTAMTS