[comp.bugs.misc] Pop Bug List

sewilco@mecc.UUCP (01/26/87)

Canonical List of Pop Bug Names, Lug Edition.

Unattributed bugs installed by Scot Wilcoxon (sewilco@mecc.com)

Bohrbugs - (Niels Bohr) Repeatable failures even when retried on another
	processor [JG]
Doug - (Doug McIlroy) Caused by patches to the live image of a running
	program [PGN]
Heisenbugs - Transient failure conditions that exist within systems
	(ie, getting a locked resource from a backup processor) [JG]
Huggins - (Sir Williams Huggins) Bug which can be classified from a distance
	(ie, networked mailer bug)
aug - Bug induced while augmenting a system [RGE]
auger - Security hole opened by an aug
bedbug - Due to a design or code conceived at the edge of consciousness
bug - An unclassifiable bug.
bugaboo - Startling but harmless behavior (ie, flashing due to CRT state)
bugbear - see "bugaboo"
bugeyed - Programmer can't see bugs due to debugging too long
centrifugal - Spins off much junk (ie, processes, files, network requests)
chugalug - Causes input data to be lost]
conjugate - A bug due to two or more flaws interacting, particularly in
	different routines
corrugate - Only visible when incremented with some values
drug - Bug which put the system to sleep whilst it still appears to be working
	or, conversely, make it hyperactive [RS]
drug - Unwanted features that contaminate specs; something the cat drug in [D]
dug - Added while fixing other bugs, digging the hole deeper [RGE]
dug - Documentation bug [TP]
dugout - Bug which keeps a system/program afloat (see also plug [TP])
eugenic - Relating to bugs in program generators
firebug - Destructive problem caused by a vandal.  A vandal.
fug - A bug which obscures others and make debugging particularly difficult [RS]
fug - Bug that causes you to give up (fug it) [TP]
hug - Gives rise to a deadly embrace [RS][TP]
humbug - see "smug"[RS]
jitterbug - Causes excessive movement of data
jug - Portable bugs, bottled and bonded [RGE]
jug - Bug that can get you jailed, such as penetrating security [TP]
jugate - see "conjugate"
juggernaut - Bug which ties up or destroys most of a resource
juggle - Caused by trying to have one program fragment do many things
jugular - A bottleneck often threatened by bugs
litterbug - Storage management problem
lug - Bug which slows down the system (e.g., security features) [RGE]
lug - Not correctly releasing unused storage
lug - Big, lovable bug (e.g., Unix) [TP]
luggage - Storage which is no longer needed and has not been released
lugger - A small dugout
lugging - What a program with luggage is doing
mug - Bug which can be used for theft
mug - Only noticeable in front of a crowd (either viewers or users)
mug - Bug that drives you to drink [TP]
mugshot - (in unison) Snapshot of a mug
mugwump - Bug in a voting algorithm
nug - Little "nugget" of gold, which didn't pan out [RGE]
nugget - see "nug"
plug - Unwanted trash that contaminates output, particularly to a pipe [D]
plug - Bug that keeps a system going  [TP]
plug,ear - Earplug - An intentional plug installed to stop complaints
pug - Generic term for a bug due to creative combination of hard/software [RS]
pug - Bug that makes you want to go in the boxing ring with its author [TP]
qug - Errors in queue handling [RGE]
rug - A bug evenly distributed throughout the code, and pervasive [RGE]
rug - A bug which will require many small changes to fix
rug - Bug that knocks the system flat [TP]
shrug - Tiresome, but intrepid user can dismiss it as of no consequence [RS]
slug - Bug that slows everything down, leaves a trail of slime, and eats up
	your lettuce  [TP]
slug - Low-level bugs (like viruses?) that move slowly from one place to
	another, especially in systems having no shell [PGN]
smug - A bug in a program written by a person who claims to write bug-free
	programs [RS]
smug - Bug you can't find [TP]
snug - Bug that you put in for job security [TP]
thug - Waylays unsuspecting computer users and beat them into the ground [RS]
tug - Little interface which keeps big system in tow [RGE]
tug - Bug that you can't forget, no matter how many years ago it was [TP]
xug - Alien bug (ie, Email penetration of a system) [RGE]

[D] - doug%btl.csnet@relay.cs.NET in RISKS DIGEST 4.30
[JG] - Jim Gray of Tandem (reported by Jonathan Clark @ mtune.UUCP in RISKS
	DIGEST 4.30)
[PGN] - Peter G. Neumann, Moderator of RISKS DIGEST
[RGE] - Robert G. Estell (estell@nwc-143b.ARPA) in RISKS DIGEST 4.30
[RS] - Reffin Smith from "Science*Art"
[TP] Tom Parmenter <parmenter@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> in RISKS
	DIGEST 4.34

Several likely bug names are listed and awaiting a good definition.
Suggestions for "Sluggo" involving bent metal are eagerly awaited.

This list does not include the possibilities opened by altering the "-er"
suffix and its meanings to "-err".  For example, the bugs caused by improper
coding of a loop which increments through a range of numbers could be
"looperr" or "incrementerr" bugs.  Isn't American wonderful?

A formalized list of types of bugs would probably be a list of everything
an algorithm and program generator should not do, as well as all possible
hardware problems and space/time improbabilities.

Scot E. Wilcoxon   Minn Ed Comp Corp  {quest,dayton,meccts}!mecc!sewilco
(612)481-3507           sewilco@MECC.COM       ihnp4!meccts!mecc!sewilco
  "Who's that lurking over there?  Is that Merv Griffin?"

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (01/31/87)

As quoted from <860@mecc.MECC.COM> by sewilco@mecc.MECC.COM (Scot E. Wilcoxon):
| Suggestions for "Sluggo" involving bent metal are eagerly awaited.

sluggo -- a bug in a disk head park algorithm that causes the computer to
	bash the disk head against the stop until it breaks off.

(This happened with one release of Tandy Xenix 2.x.  I kid you not!)

++Brandon (Resident Elf @ ncoast.UUCP)
 ____   ______________
/    \ / __   __   __ \   Brandon S. Allbery	    <backbone>!ncoast!allbery
 ___  | /__> /  \ /  \    aXcess Co., Consulting    ncoast!allbery@Case.CSNET
/   \ | |    `--, `--,    6615 Center St. #A1-105 	   (...@relay.CS.NET)
|     | \__/ \__/ \__/    Mentor, OH 44060-4101     
\____/ \______________/   +1 216 781 6201