[comp.bugs.misc] Coral Object Logo

mdc@mit-eddie.UUCP (02/09/87)

In article <1725@PUCC.BITNET> 6065833@PUCC.BITNET writes:
> Can anyone recommend another LOGO for the macintosh?  Has anyone found
> a way to print graphics windows on >a laserwriter?  Any information
> would be greatly appreciated.

Object Logo from Coral Software in Cambridge, Mass is a good value.
It is about $80 and has loads of features, Comes with Finder 5.3 and
system 3.2, lots of examples, a good reference manual, and is
supported by a solid bunch of hackers (I know some of them).

They have an ad in this month's MACWORLD, with ordering info.

I've used it, and I recommend it highly.  I hope some schools pick up
on it and use it.