[comp.bugs.misc] Few news problems.

raanan@bc-cis.UUCP (Raanan Herrmann) (03/09/87)

	I have few problems with my news version 2.11 on 4.2BSD Unix:

	- News that are posted in our computer to the "general" news-group (this
is a local news group) are fed to the other computers that are connected to
my computer even though that the "sys" file contain the following in 
distribution field (field number 2):

	- A batch file for "uuhosts" is not created even though the "sys" entry
for it is reading:

	Any ideas?

Raanan Herrmann  (...!delftcc,phri!bc-cis!raanan)

heiby@mcdchg.UUCP (03/10/87)

In article <850@bc-cis.UUCP> raanan@bc-cis.UUCP (Raanan Herrmann) writes:
>	- News that are posted in our computer to the "general" news-group (this
>is a local news group) are fed to the other computers that are connected to
>my computer even though that the "sys" file contain the following in 
>distribution field (field number 2):
>	":!local.all,!general,all,to.sysname:"

The problem here is that the keyword "all" is following the exceptions.
As the software parses the "sys" file entries, it must see the "list of
stuff to include" *followed by* the "list of that stuff not to include,
really".  So, your line should instead read:
Actually, I don't think you mean that, as it will include *all* to.* groups,
not just to.sysname.  This isn't much of a problem unless you are running
with ihave/sendme protocol, but something more like the following would be
All in all, I find it easier to make explicit what categories I'm passing,
with lines like:

(Don't forget that you can use a "\" to continue lines, as:
As you can see, I like to seperate the purely distribution-oriented
flags from the newsgroup-oriented flags.)

>	- A batch file for "uuhosts" is not created even though the "sys" entry
>for it is reading:
>	"uuhosts:mod.map:F:/usr/spool/batch/uuhosts"

Here, you've forgotten to add in the distribution, which defaults to "world".
News versions prior to 2.11 didn't require that you include this.  2.11 fixed
the way newsgroups/distributions are handled.  The line should be:
Of course, if they ever start posting the maps to distribution "na" or "usa",
then you'd have to either add that to the line or replace "world" with it.

Have fun!
Ron Heiby, mcdchg!heiby		Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix
Motorola Microcomputer Division (MCD), Schaumburg, IL
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