[comp.bugs.misc] Modem garbage

raanan@bc-cis.UUCP (03/22/87)

	Many users who call my computer (Vax 780/11 running 4.2BSD) and try
to log-in complain that they get a lot of modem garbage and they have to send
many BREAKs before they can log-in. Sometimes, they have to call again. 
I assume that the modems that are connected to my computer are OK ( some of 
them are Hayes 2400, some are USRobotics 1200 password ). 

	What can I do in the sytem level ( gettytab, getty ) to solve this
problem? I'd like to hear of other people's ideas.

Raanan Herrmann  (bc-cis!raanan, raanan@bc-cis)