[comp.bugs.misc] Problem with News 2.11 Patch 6

jbs@mit-eddie.UUCP (04/05/87)

Now that I've installed news patch 6, I find that all locally posted
articles get sent to the local machine.  Here are the specifics:

In localize.sh, I have GENERICPATH defined to "mit-%s", but neither

In sys, I have a line starting with:


I tried changing that to ME, but apparantly that doesn't work, since
when I posted an article, inews said "cannot find my name "mit-eddie"
in /usr/local/lib/news/sys".


pett@socrates.ucsf.edu.UUCP (04/06/87)

In article <5374@eddie.MIT.EDU> jbs@eddie.MIT.EDU (Jeff Siegal) writes:
>In sys, I have a line starting with:
>I tried changing that to ME, but apparantly that doesn't work, since
>when I posted an article, inews said "cannot find my name "mit-eddie"
>in /usr/local/lib/news/sys".

I have experienced exactly the same behavior with ME in the sys file.
I have GENERICPATH set to 'ucsfcgl' and GENERICFROM set to 'cgl.ucsf.edu'
and inews barfs with "cannot find my name 'ucsfcgl' in /usr/local/lib/news/sys".
Can this be fixed in patch #7?

				Eric Pettersen
				pett@cgl.ucsf.edu or ucbvax!ucsfcgl!pett