[comp.bugs.misc] CPIX on Series/1's

brent%terra@Sun.COM (Brent Callaghan) (04/21/87)

In article <21393@styx.UUCP>, tjt@styx.UUCP (Tim Tessin) writes:
> CPIX was developed for IBM by some CS group at some university (I forget where)
> It is V6 derivative.

I was a Series/1 hacker for two years.  Now I lead a
completely normal life - the scars have healed.
We had a profound dislike for this machine - we had five.
We had a T-shirt made up, it said:  "Have a Happy Day - Smash
a Series/1".

Our local IBM rep who knew that I was interested in
Unix, dropped a manual on me one day.  It was
the weirdest thing...

It has an IBM cardboard cover entitled "IBM Series/1
Carrier Products Interactive Executive Program PRPQ P82732
User's Manual".  Open the cover and lo!  "Unix User's Manual
Release 3.0" - Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated.

Yep - standard Bell labs Unix manual with IBM cardboard
cover and IBM fancy name.

Made in New Zealand -->  Brent Callaghan  @ Sun Microsystems
			 uucp: sun!bcallaghan
			 phone: (415) 691 6188