[comp.bugs.misc] mcp 1.0 patch #5

kyle@xanth.UUCP (kyle jones) (05/02/87)

This patch (#5) makes the following changes in the mcp 1.0 distribution

1)	Mcp now changes tty modes with the TIOCSETN ioctl instead of
	TIOCSETP.  The net result of this is that mcp no longer gobbles
	up typeahead when changing tty modes.
2)	The *-inactives commands will now allow you to specify a range of days
	inactivity (e.g. list-inactives 30-60 will show users that haven't
	logged in within 30 days, but have logged in within the last 60 days.)
	The doucmentation for these command has been updated to reflect this.
3)	Added ability to reset password back to the value of the ID field
	via update-user.

This patch will not work if patches #1-4 have not been applied.  Patches #1-2
were applied by Rich Salz before mod.sources distribution, so no one should
need these.  All patches may be obtained from me; send requests to my e-mail

To apply this patch from readnews, vnews or rn, type "s|patch -d -p0 DIR",
with DIR being the directory where the mcp sources and documentation are kept.
Alternately you can save this article and later cd to DIR and "patch -p0 <
thisarticle".  Don't leave off the "-p0".  If you don't have patch (alas!),
you'll have to apply the context diffs below by hand.

kyle jones, old dominion university computer science
ARPA: kyle@xanth.cs.odu.edu		CSNET: kyle@odu.csnet
UUCP: kyle@xanth.uucp	     -or-	{sun,harvard,mit-eddie}!xanth!kyle

Index: src/version.c
Prereq: (#4)
*** src/version.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:38 1987
--- src/version.c	Fri Apr 24 18:23:29 1987
*** 3,9 ****
  	char	*n_copyright;
  static	struct notice Note = {
! "mcp version 1.0 (#4) ",
  "(c) 1986 by Kyle E. Jones\n\n\
  All sources and documentation of this mcp distribution are\n\
  included in this copyright, but permission is granted to\n\
--- 3,9 ----
  	char	*n_copyright;
  static	struct notice Note = {
! "mcp version 1.0 (#5)  5/1/87",
  "(c) 1986 by Kyle E. Jones\n\n\
  All sources and documentation of this mcp distribution are\n\
  included in this copyright, but permission is granted to\n\

Index: src/update.c
*** src/update.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:41 1987
--- src/update.c	Fri May  1 16:17:47 1987
*** 37,46 ****
  static	char *XXXXXX = "/mcpXXXXXX";
  static	char desc[DESCSIZE+1];
  /* these are defined in add.c */
  extern	struct	list idlist;
  extern	struct	list rnlist;
- extern	struct	list pwlist;
  extern	struct	list mdlist;
  #ifdef SENDMAIL
--- 37,48 ----
  static	char *XXXXXX = "/mcpXXXXXX";
  static	char desc[DESCSIZE+1];
+ static	char *pwl[4] = { "generate", "id", "none", "unused" };
+ static	struct list pwlist = { 4, 4, (addr *)pwl };
  /* these are defined in add.c */
  extern	struct	list idlist;
  extern	struct	list rnlist;
  extern	struct	list mdlist;
  #ifdef SENDMAIL
*** 909,914 ****
--- 911,919 ----
  			savestr((char **)&ac->ac_passwd, crypt(cp, rsalt()));
  			(void) printf("password is \"%s\"\n", cp);
+ 		else if (eq(*passwdv, "id"))
+ 			savestr((char **)&ac->ac_passwd,
+ 				crypt((char *)ac->ac_id, rsalt()));
  			savestr((char **)&ac->ac_passwd,
  				crypt((char *)*passwdv, rsalt()));

Index: src/tty.c
*** src/tty.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:46 1987
--- src/tty.c	Fri May  1 16:46:35 1987
*** 10,16 ****
  	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sg);
  	sg.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
  	sg.sg_flags &= ~(CRMOD|ECHO|RAW);
! 	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCSETP, (char *)&sg);
--- 10,16 ----
  	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sg);
  	sg.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
  	sg.sg_flags &= ~(CRMOD|ECHO|RAW);
! 	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCSETN, (char *)&sg);
*** 22,27 ****
  	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sg);
  	sg.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
  	sg.sg_flags |= (CRMOD|ECHO);
! 	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCSETP, (char *)&sg);
--- 22,27 ----
  	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCGETP, (char *)&sg);
  	sg.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
  	sg.sg_flags |= (CRMOD|ECHO);
! 	(void) ioctl(DevTty, TIOCSETN, (char *)&sg);

Index: src/freeze.c
*** src/freeze.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:48 1987
--- src/freeze.c	Thu Apr 30 21:58:04 1987
*** 74,105 ****
  	struct account *ac;
  	struct groupmap *gm;
! 	time_t now, toolong, doomsday;
  	register int indx;
  	int frozen = 0;
  	if (c != 2) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <user>", (char *)v[0]);
- 	if (!validint((char *)v[1])) {
- 		err2("%s: %s doesn't make sense as a number", (char *)v[0],
- 			(char *)v[1]);
- 		return;
- 	}
  	now = time((time_t *)0);
! 	toolong = atoi((char *)v[1]) * DAY;
! 	if (toolong <= 0) {
  		err1("%s: Not bloody likely.", (char *)v[0]);;
! 	doomsday = now - toolong;
! 	(void) printf("The axe falls %s\n", when(doomsday));
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if (ac->ac_ll.ll_time > doomsday)
  		 * Don't freeze cryos again.
--- 74,116 ----
  	struct account *ac;
  	struct groupmap *gm;
! 	time_t now;
! 	long low, high;
  	register int indx;
  	int frozen = 0;
  	if (c != 2) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <days|range>", (char *)v[0]);
  	now = time((time_t *)0);
! 	if (parse_day_range((char *)v[1], &low, &high)) {
! 	    low *= 86400;
! 	    high *= 86400;
! 	}
! 	else if (validint((char *)v[1])) {
! 	    low = (long) atoi((char *)v[1]) * 86400;
! 	    high = now;
! 	}
! 	else {
! 	    err2("%s: %s isn't a number or range", (char *)v[0], (char *)v[1]);
! 	    return;
! 	}
! 	if (low <= 0) {
  		err1("%s: Not bloody likely.", (char *)v[0]);;
! 	if (high == now)
! 	  (void) printf("The axe falls %s\n", when(now-low));
! 	else {
! 	    (void) printf("Deathdays begin %s\n", when(now-high));
! 	    (void) printf("        and end %s\n", when(now-low));
! 	}
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if (!INRANGE((long)(now - ac->ac_ll.ll_time), low, high))
  		 * Don't freeze cryos again.

Index: src/describe.c
*** src/describe.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:51 1987
--- src/describe.c	Thu Apr 30 21:31:06 1987
*** 416,424 ****
  	struct account *ac;
  	struct groupmap *gm;
! 	int indx, inactives = 0, days;
  	time_t now;
! 	long toolong;
  	char errmsg[LONG_BUF];
  	if ( c > 2 ) {
--- 416,424 ----
  	struct account *ac;
  	struct groupmap *gm;
! 	int indx, inactives = 0;
  	time_t now;
! 	long low, high;
  	char errmsg[LONG_BUF];
  	if ( c > 2 ) {
*** 426,446 ****
  	if ( c < 2 ) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <days>", (char *)v[0]);
- 	if (!validint((char *)v[1])) {
- 		err2("%s: %s doesn't make sense as a number", (char *)v[0],
- 			(char *)v[1]);
- 		return;
- 	}
  	now = time((time_t *)0);
! 	days = atoi((char *)v[1]);
! 	toolong = days * 86400;
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if ((long)(now - ac->ac_ll.ll_time) < toolong)
  		 * Cryos are not inactive.
--- 426,451 ----
  	if ( c < 2 ) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <days|range>", (char *)v[0]);
  	now = time((time_t *)0);
! 	if (parse_day_range((char *)v[1], &low, &high)) {
! 	    low *= 86400;
! 	    high *= 86400;
! 	}
! 	else if (validint((char *)v[1])) {
! 	    low = (long) atoi((char *)v[1]) * 86400;
! 	    high = now;
! 	}
! 	else {
! 	    err2("%s: %s isn't a number or range", (char *)v[0], (char *)v[1]);
! 	    return;
! 	}
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if (!INRANGE((long)(now - ac->ac_ll.ll_time), low, high))
  		 * Cryos are not inactive.
*** 470,481 ****
  	if (inactives)
! 		(void) printf("\n%d user%s inactive for at least %d day%s.\n",
! 			inactives, S(inactives),
! 			days, S(days));
! 	else
! 		(void) printf("No users inactive for %d day%s.\n",
! 			days, S(days));
--- 475,481 ----
  	if (inactives)
! 		(void) printf("\n%d user%s.\n", inactives, S(inactives));

Index: src/list.c
*** src/list.c.old	Fri May  1 17:24:55 1987
--- src/list.c	Fri May  1 17:21:18 1987
*** 142,167 ****
  	struct groupmap *gm;
  	int indx, count;
  	time_t now;
! 	long toolong;
  	char errmsg[LONG_BUF];
  	if ( c < 2 ) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <days> [expr ...]", (char *)v[0]);
! 	if (!validint((char *)v[1])) {
! 		err2("%s: %s doesn't make sense as a number", (char *)v[0],
! 			(char *)v[1]);
! 		return;
! 	toolong = atoi((char *)v[1]) * 86400;
- 	now = time((time_t *)0);
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if ((long)(now - ac->ac_ll.ll_time) < toolong)
  		 * Cryos are not inactive.
--- 142,173 ----
  	struct groupmap *gm;
  	int indx, count;
  	time_t now;
! 	long low, high;
  	char errmsg[LONG_BUF];
  	if ( c < 2 ) {
! 		err1("usage: %s <days|range> [expr ...]", (char *)v[0]);
! 	now = time((time_t *)0);
! 	if (parse_day_range((char *)v[1], &low, &high)) {
! 	    low *= 86400;
! 	    high *= 86400;
! 	else if (validint((char *)v[1])) {
! 	    low = (long) atoi((char *)v[1]) * 86400;
! 	    high = now;
! 	}
! 	else {
! 	    err2("%s: %s isn't a number or range", (char *)v[0], (char *)v[1]);
! 	    return;
! 	}
  	for (indx=0; indx < AccountList.l_count; indx++) {
  		ac = (struct account *) AccountList.l_list[indx];
! 		if (!INRANGE((long)(now - ac->ac_ll.ll_time), low, high))
  		 * Cryos are not inactive.
*** 194,197 ****
--- 200,229 ----
  	if (count)
  	    (void) printf("%d listed\n", count);
+ }
+ int
+ parse_day_range(range, low, high)
+     char *range;
+     long *low, *high;
+ {
+     register char *p;
+     extern char *index();
+     p = index(range, '-');
+     if (!p)
+       return 0;
+     *p = '\0';
+     if (!validint(range) || !validint(p+1))
+       return 0;
+     *low = atoi(range);
+     *high = atoi(p+1);
+     *p = '-';
+     if (*high < *low) {
+ 	register long temp = *low;
+ 	*low = *high;
+ 	*high = temp;
+     }
+     return 1;

Index: help/describe-inactives.n
*** help/describe-inactives.n.old	Fri May  1 17:24:58 1987
--- help/describe-inactives.n	Thu Apr 30 23:28:26 1987
*** 1,6 ****
! describe-inactives <number>
--- 1,6 ----
! describe-inactives <number|range>
*** 7,12 ****
  lists users that have not logged in
! days, excluding users that are frozen and members of vigs.  The login name
  is displayed along with the real name, uid, and an asterisk if the user has
  ever logged in.
--- 7,20 ----
  lists users that have not logged in
! days, excluding users that are frozen or members of vigs.
! If a
! .ul
! <range>
! of the form
! .ul
! m-n
! is given, then users inactive within this range of days are listed.
! The login name
  is displayed along with the real name, uid, and an asterisk if the user has
  ever logged in.

Index: help/freeze-inactives.n
*** help/freeze-inactives.n.old	Fri May  1 17:24:59 1987
--- help/freeze-inactives.n	Thu Apr 30 23:40:08 1987
*** 1,6 ****
! freeze-inactives <number>
--- 1,6 ----
! freeze-inactives <number|range>
*** 7,13 ****
  changes the shell of users who have not logged in
! days to FREEZE_SH, exempting members of vigs.  These frozen users are then
  termed "cryos".
  This facility is generally used to end a user's access to an account
--- 7,21 ----
  changes the shell of users who have not logged in
! days to FREEZE_SH, exempting members of vigs.
! If a
! .ul
! <range>
! of the form
! .ul
! m-n
! is given, then users inactive within this range of days are frozen.
! These frozen users are then
  termed "cryos".
  This facility is generally used to end a user's access to an account

Index: help/list-inactives.n
*** help/list-inactives.n.old	Fri May  1 17:25:03 1987
--- help/list-inactives.n	Thu Apr 30 23:43:21 1987
*** 1,6 ****
! list-inactives <number> [ regular-expression ... ]
--- 1,6 ----
! list-inactives <number|range> [ regular-expression ... ]
*** 8,22 ****
  users  that  have  not  logged  in within
! days, and names matching the regular expressions.  If no expressions are
! given all those inactive for
! <number>
! days are listed.
! The expressions should be of the type described in the
! of the Unix Programmers Manual.  An example usage is "list-inactives 3 ^t"
! which lists users that haven't logged in for three days and have login names
! that begin with a 't'.
--- 8,25 ----
  users  that  have  not  logged  in within
! days, and whose names match the regular expressions.
! If a
! <range>
! of the form
! .ul
! m-n
! is given, then users inactive within this range of days are listed.
! The regular expressions are optional, but if present should be of the type described in the
! of the Unix Programmers Manual.  An example usage is "list-inactives
! 3 ^t" which lists users that haven't logged in for at least three days and
! have login names that begin with a 't'.