[comp.bugs.misc] want fix for v7 UUCP bug affecting 2nd call from same uucico

dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) (12/10/87)

I've seen various UUCP bugs on the net over the years, and have
installed most of the fixes in our v7-based sources.  Now I'm
running into a bug that utzoo!henry thinks he's heard of, but
which I can't trace and don't have a fix for.

Most of our uucico polling is done by explicit call to a
particular site (we have a shell script with lots of
uucico -r1 -sthis_or_that).  After all the polls, we place
a regular uucico -r1 to pick up anything for sites we don't
normally poll explicitly (long-distance sites, old names for
sites whose names have changed, etc.).  I see consistently
that the first call is placed correctly, but all subsequent
ones are not.  They fail in conn.c (in the direct() routine,
I believe). I can't see why this should happen. Anybody know?

David Sherman			dave@lsuc.uucp
The Law Society of Upper Canada
Osgoode Hall
Toronto, Canada  M5H 2N6
416 947 3466
{ uunet!mnetor  pyramid!utai  decvax!utcsri  ihnp4!utzoo } !lsuc!dave
Pronounce it ell-ess-you-see, please...