[comp.bugs.misc] new newsgroup proposal: comp.bugs.games

bob@acornrc.UUCP (Bob Weissman) (12/18/87)

In article <2144@ulowell.cs.ulowell.edu>, page@ulowell.cs.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) writes:
> Can we get all the games bug reports out of comp.bugs.misc?  There
> is enough traffic to warrant its own newsgroup, [...]

Serendipity strikes again; I was about to post a similar request.  My
problem has not been with comp.bugs.misc, but with comp.sources.bugs, which
I read to find bugs in serious software, and which has been swamped recently
with games bug postings.

I've posted this to several newsgroups in hopes of reaching all interested
parties; followups are directed to news.groups only.

Let's follow proper net protocol and discuss this in news.groups, then
vote on the new group.

Bob Weissman
Internet:	bob@acornrc.UUCP
UUCP:		...!{ ames | decwrl | oliveb | apple }!acornrc!bob
Arpanet:	bob%acornrc.UUCP@AMES.ARPA