[comp.bugs.misc] Official newsgroup proposal: comp.sources.games.bugs

jbuck@epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck) (12/21/87)

I propose the creation of the group comp.sources.games.bugs.
The newsgroups list would be modified to include the line

comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports, fixes for postings in comp.sources.games

Bugs in posted games would no longer be discussed in comp.bugs.misc
(where they never should have been) or in comp.sources.bugs (the
current "appropriate place").

Creation of this group will have several benefits:

1) People uninterested in games that want to get bug reports for
   important public-domain programs we all rely on like "patch" and
   "compress" won't have to wade through dozens of complaints about
   the latest version of conquest or nethack.

2) Sites uninterested in paying for transmitting game sources (you
   guys are no fun, but I understand your reasoning) won't transmit
   the game bug discussion either (that's why I chose the name
   comp.sources.games.bugs -- putting !comp.sources.games in the
   sys line stops them both)

3) People who ARE interested in getting games to work have a dedicated
   place to go.

There is clearly traffic volume to warrant the group creation, and
I've seen lots of complaints from comp.sources.bugs readers that
don't want to hear about the games.

So let's vote!  According to the rules, posted votes don't count,
so MAIL your votes to me, jbuck@epimass.epi.com.  If your mailer
doesn't grok domains, send to ...!smartsite!epimass.epi.com!jbuck
where smartsite is one of uunet, harvard, rutgers, sun, ucbvax,
talcott, or somebody else who runs a routing mailer.  Voting will
close on Jan. 20 or when I have 100 more yes votes than no votes.

Followups to this article are directed to news.groups.  Don't follow
up just to vote yes or no.  Do follow up for discussion, questions,
flames, etc.
- Joe Buck  {uunet,ucbvax,sun,decwrl,<smart-site>}!epimass.epi.com!jbuck
	    Old internet mailers: jbuck%epimass.epi.com@uunet.uu.net