[comp.bugs.misc] comm port problem

clem@cup.portal.com (12/29/87)

Aron, this is the status report of my AT using the PD Status.com program.
The AST board does NOT have a comm port.  This is very strange.  Is is a
long distance call for you to talk to Vincent?  If it is why don't you just
send him a copy of this file.

PROBLEM 1.  Mouse connected to COM1
            COM2 not functional for some reason.

                              O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
                           1  N              
 Bit 1                                Bits 5-6 initial video mode
    0 = No disk drive installed          11 = 80X25 monochrome
  * 1 = Disk drive installed             10 = 40X25 color
 Bit 2                                 * 01 = 80X25 color (EGA)
  * 0 = No math coprocessor              00 = None                              
    1 = Math coprocessor installed    Bits 7-8 no. of disks (if bit 1 =1)       
 Bits 3-4 memory on system board         11 = 4                                 
    XT/PC2        PC1       AT         * 10 = 3                                 
    11 = 256K     64K    Does not        01 = 2                                 
    10 = 192K     48K     apply          00 = 1                                 
    01 = 128K     32K                                                           
  * 00 =  64K     16K                 Main memory     640K                      
                                      Bytes free      565K                      
 1 Parallel port(s)                   Extended memory None                      
 1 Serial port(s)                     Expanded memory None                      
 0 Game port                          DOS  version    3.30                      
                                      BIOS version    01/15/87                  
                                      (C) COPYRIGHT 1984,1985 Award Software In 
 PROBLEM 2. - Slow clock - losing almost one day every other day.
              	December 27, 1987  8:32  -- System Time
              	December 28, 1987 19:11  -- Actual Time
              Time was just updated on December 27, 1987
 If to Vincent;
     Vincent, please give me your best guess as to why I'm having the
     above problem?  Thank you.