[comp.bugs.misc] Problems with 'df' & ''du' in Picnix ver 2

db21@ihlpl.ATT.COM (Dave Beyerl) (02/02/88)

	I have noted some problems with the utilities 'df' - disk
free space, and 'du' - disk used space, in the recently posted
Picnix, ver 2.  My system is an AT&T PC-6300 having dual floppies
(drives a: and b:) and external hard disk (drive c:).  I am
currently running DOS 2.11.  The problems I am having are as 

   df - works fine if I request for drive a: or c: or if either
	is the default drive.  When I try to request for drive
	b: I get the following messages:

		*  Illegal Interrupt No. 0Bh at 22A2:1617  *

		=: invalid drive specifier:  b:

   du -	works fine if I specify any drive name, even b:.  The built 
	in help indicates "If no names are specified on the command 
	line, the size of the current directory is given."   However,
	when I type 'du<cr>' I get '     0     0.0K     .' as the
	response.  This is obviously in error and does not appear to 
	be consistent with the help.

						Dave Beyerl