[comp.bugs.misc] PE 3220

dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) (03/03/88)

This old workhorse, lsuc, is generally a fine machine for our needs.
It's a Perkin-Elmer 3220 running "Edition VII Workbench", which is
v7 with a few extras from BSD.  Its one wart, and one that's now
starting to bother me severely, is that it can't grok characters
arriving at >1200 bps.  For output, it's fine; I read netnews at
19200 and it's noticeably twice as fast as 9600.  But on input, whether
uucp on a phone line, uucp on a direct connection, data from our PADs,
or even function keys on a high-speed terminal which send multi-char
sequences, it loses chars randomly and unpredictably.

I asked P-E about it once long ago (we have source, so we don't
have software support) and was told it's a bug in the terminal

As our UUCP and netnews connections grow, it becomes harder and
harder to do everything at 1200 baud.  I'd get a Telebit if we
could use it.  1 in + 3 out newsfeeds, plus about 40 regular uucp
mail connections, keep our 1200 baud modems (5 of them) humming.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I track down and
fix this bug, if indeed it's in the terminal driver.  I have
some familiarity with the terminal driver, but not in debugging
this kind of problem.  Any pointers to the likely culprit would
be appreciated.  If the expertise required is the type of black art
which can't be explained, we'd be willing to pay someone to fix the bug.

David Sherman			dave@lsuc.uucp
The Law Society of Upper Canada
Osgoode Hall
Toronto, Canada  M5H 2N6
(416) 947-3466
{ uunet!mnetor  pyramid!utai  decvax!utcsri  ihnp4!utzoo } !lsuc!dave